The Nature of Eureka

Spring ephemerals are just that It’s the most exciting time of year for wildflower enthusiasts, native plant gardeners and botanical photographers in the Ozarks –...

The Dirt on Nicky

I yam not a sweet potato Sweet potatoes grow well in Arkansas, and they are not yams. So when Popeye said, “I yam what I...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz - Feelings of sadness and embarrassment dueled one another on Inauguration Day. While I could say much about those feelings, even...

The Pursuit of Happiness

An early memory is of my mother handing me over to a scary bearded man dressed in black and wearing a skullcap. The man...

The Pursuit of Happiness

As you may know, I am the authorized biographer of the bookseller John Heartbreak. I am currently working on the 3rd – and final...


It’s comforting to think this town has produced men worthy of the name, but when they honk and holler, tsk-tsk or display a finger,...


What if everyone just kept quiet instead of getting into fights? Would that make our digestion uncomplicated and our sleep uninterrupted? It used to be...

The Nature of Eureka

Virtually in Search of Nature How times change. It was just a few weeks ago that I was helping to plan an iNaturalist app training,...

The Dirt on Nicky

Chicory– is bitter better? In the spring, I was given a mishmash of seeds that I had not grown before, which was exciting, but I...

Going with the flow

After scheduling a trip to Oregon, I sprain my ankle. With only six days to recover, I’m in a tizzy. But I don’t cancel my plans. I...