Dropping a Line

This is what I call shad on dope. No, they’re not dead but if left in this drugged water they would be in about...

Dropping a Line

Here’s another one for the wall. James Fisher came down for an evening of walleye fishing here at Holiday Island, and then the next...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The poet Robert Bly’s family farm connected to my maternal family’s farm out on the western edge of the Minnesota prairie. Robert’s father Jacob...

Dropping a Line

Chalk another one up for Johnny. The cold kept most in again, but Johnny Glantz got Russ Behnk and Tom Hoskinson from Haven, Kansas,...

The Dirt on Nicky

The turmeric year One year ago, a well-intentioned, curious, daring gardener was snookered in by the glowing commentary in a famous seed catalog and ordered...

The Pursuit of Happiness

It’s been a lousy week and everyone I’ve run into has been cranky. One old grouch in my coffee klatch referred to Valentine’s Day...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There are Donald Trump supporters who have legitimate moral, philosophical, and rational reasons for supporting him. Among them are Pro-life advocates for whom abortion...


This week’s weather was sultrier, but Mike Foley of Mike’s Fly Fishing Guide Service put his fly rod down for a day and hooked...

Dropping a Line

Well, it’s been a crazy week with one troll motor going out and a second acting up with seals leaking and the 150 outboard...

The Nature of Eureka

Redbud, we await you You know (for sure) that spring has arrived when the redbuds begin to bloom. That doesn’t mean we won’t have another...