The Nature of Eureka

Poison Hemlock A couple of weeks ago a friend sent me a link to a newspaper report about an unfortunate individual in Ohio who, to...


I hope everybody had a safe and happy holiday weekend. There was some very bad weather, and I heard so many stories about tent...


Women could carry this election and look good doing it. (Please, please, Elizabeth, don’t drop out of the race five minutes after this goes to...

The Pursuit of Happiness

We know from history and experience that leaders make mistakes and aren’t perfect. Leaders are, however, held to higher standards for judgment and behavior...


It takes faith to work with people week after week, year after year and not know them. When you talk to people it can get...

The Nature of Eureka: Catnip Follies

By Steven Foster - When I was 20 years old I worked in the herb department of the Sabbathday Lake Maine Shaker Community, the...

Dropping a Line

Robert Johnson - Mike Golden came down from North Dakota on March 29 to visit Eureka Springs, and since then he’s felt what it’s...


We were sitting out back watching clothes dry on the line last weekend when my neighbor said softly, “When people believe that buying more...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week October 4 – 10, 2023

What Will Ye Choose? What are the Choices? We are living under the Sun in Libra, sign of balance and harmony and signifying the...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

A male friend and I are both single, in our mid-30s and not interested in committed relationships right now. The chemistry’s great and we’ve...