The Dirt on Nicky

Won’t you be my neighbor Everyone knows the old adage, “You can lead a horse to water, but it takes two to tango.” Companionship matters...

The Nature of Eureka: Sundew – A lesson in adaptation

A theme for the coming week is learning to adapt. In the case of those of us who live in town, it will be...

The Pursuit of Happiness

There’s an old blue horror show up on Elk Street I’m thinking about buying and rehabbing. It’s a mess: it needs a new roof...

American Insights

Our Best Selves It was a warm and cloudy Friday in the nation’s capital. At 11:14 a.m. on June 26, 2015, the president entered the...


One sure thing we can say about people is that we are quick to realize our mistakes. For instance, in the late 1400s seafarers found...

American Insights

The Courage of Robert Graetz On Monday night, December 5, 1955, the Rev. Robert Graetz worked his way through a dense crowd of 6,000 at...

The Coffee Table

Legal Confusion I’m confused. Not very long ago, our legislature passed a law disallowing me from making decisions about my own body in the event that...

Hall Closets

The circus came to town, and I guess it must have stayed.  It’s like an endless parade… Warren Haynes   College athletics are in the toilet these daze...

Let’s start at the very beginning

During the school year, 1973-1974, I taught at Greenhill in Dallas. Laurie Doctor and I attended my sister Georgie Green’s Alphabetic Phonics course at...

The Coffee Table

On Moving On People should move every five years or so. That way the home gets purged of excess baggage. It is best to move far...