The Coffee Table

No Place Like Home? I fell in love with the Oregon Coast last October. Even when the sun wasn’t shining. When it was windy. Spitting rain. A bit...

The Pursuit of Happiness

Malcolm Moos, an Eisenhower-era moderate Republican strategist, wrote The End of the Republican Establishment in 1965, after Lyndon Johnson’s thrashing of Barry Goldwater. Moos’s...

Exploring the Fine Art of Romance

A long-time friend invited me and my wife to a sex party. I was surprised to say the least. We’re interested but have no...


Loggers cut down old-growth trees insisting, “We hugged it first,” and tell us if they didn’t cut the trees, we’d be using plastic toilet...

Dropping a Line

Preston Morse from Denver, Colo., had a group of six Saturday so we called on Johnny Glantz of Big1s to be our second boat....

The Pursuit of Happiness

A local veteran made the news recently for claiming a heroic military history that may be a fabrication. As far as this being “news”...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I was in Natchez last week with a few old pals to eat fried dill pickles and look at some folk art. Over dinner,...


FAYETTEVILLE – If you’ve kept up with the many college basketball transfer updates on Twitter lately, you might have noticed Arkansas seems to be...

The Pursuit of Happiness

I used to chase women and money all day every day. Now, I walk the dog twice a day. I have success with the...

The Coffee Table

Seeing Spring This is the fourth spring I’ve encountered since my husband died, but the first one I have really noticed. I have dogwood trees in...