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I am so done with corrupt, self-dealing, sleazy politicians. Bob Ballinger has been in our statehouse for six years and all he has done is...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 25 – 31

Gemini’s Essential Nature Gemini, the third sign, the third gate, the 3rd Labour of Hercules, is an air sign. Aquarius and Libra are air signs, too....

Free Parking

One of the oldest examples of art is a cave entrance drawing of a woman giving birth. Throughout the world, archeologists have found that...

The Coffee Table

Stuck in the Future — Part I My mother, who is nearly ninety, hasn’t done any of her own shopping for quite some time. But when...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week June 12 to 18, 2024.

Flag Day & Father’s Day – Honoring Both We are in our last week of Gemini, before the sign of Cancer summer (northern latitudes)...

The Dirt on Nicky

All about leaves About three weeks ago during the dry spell, I heard what sounded like the rhythm of rainfall. What I saw when I...

Dropping a Line

Smiles is what it’s all about and maybe a little laughing, too. That’s what the Preston Family had Saturday. We caught these fish within...

Dropping a Line

It is so nice to enjoy the sunrise without freezing the toes. Nice cool mornings and warm sunny afternoons means the summer pattern will...

American Insights

Struggle Until the End Martin Luther King, Jr., was weary but ever hopeful. Twelve long years had passed since he was chosen to lead the...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 5 – 11, 2023

A Festival Week Ahead! We have a week of converging festivals – three religious festivals, three developmental levels of humanity (Jewish Passover, Christian/Easter, Esoteric/Aquarian...