The Dirt on Nicky

How to look through a seed catalog Way before Black Fridays, “Feliz Navidad,” or the Pickle Bowl, seed catalogs are arriving in gardeners’ mailboxes. ‘Tis...


FAYETTEVILLE – Despite a 1-4 record to start his first season as Arkansas’ head coach, Chad Morris continues to stock up on key commitments...


Riverview`s 1st walleye tournament is Saturday, March 11 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and weigh-in at 4:30. Limited to 25 teams, 2 per...

Dropping a Line

By Robert Johnson - Here is a little help on most the fish in our local lakes and streams. Our water temp here at...

The Pursuit of Happiness

We have been fortunate in our First Ladies. Barbara and Laura Bush, Rosalynn Carter and Betty Ford were dignified and approachable women who put...

The Nature of Eureka: American Elm in full bloom

The treetops are full of flowers right now. They are mostly inconspicuous tiny flowers in treetops, especially given the warm, virtually non-existent winter (don’t...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 11 – 17

The Wesak Buddha Full Moon Festival The Wesak (waters of life) Festival is occurring this Sunday, May 15, at 9:14 p.m. (PDT). Wesak is the...

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Republican tax plan that slithered out of the Senate last week is such an avalanche of horse apples that even the Trumpiest of...

Free Parking

Happy New Year! We start 2018 with ever expanding investigations into the Republicons’ treasonous conspiracy against the United States and Republicons in Congress dismantling our...


Another week and another big fish. Dawn Rinehart and her husband, Paul, had the opportunity to stay at Sugar Ridge Resort and to get...