Happy Birthday Jesus!

The sign propped on the side of the highway was hand printed in simple black marker on neon green poster board. “Happy Birthday, Jesus!”...

The Pursuit of Happiness

By Dan Krotz - Feelings of sadness and embarrassment dueled one another on Inauguration Day. While I could say much about those feelings, even...

Hello Again

A letter to Hippies and Comrades from my past – A message to dear old friends I haven’t seen in 20 years or so. “Hello...

Healthcare or wealthcare?

Last Friday I attended Congressman Steve Womack’s “mobile office” at the Eureka Springs Chamber office where two seemingly nice, but deadly inept Womack flacks...

Free Parking

“The Special Counsel’s investigation is not a closed matter, but an ongoing criminal investigation with multiple lines of non-public inquiry. The investigation consists of...

Free Parking

What a week. Putin threatened the entire world with nuclear strikes and it barely caused a murmur on the news. Trump declared a trade war...

Free Parking

He killed himself on the steps of Town Hall. Like the self-immolating monks in Saigon, he killed himself as a cry out to humanity...

The Nature of Eureka

George Washington Carver – Still Relevant The Black Lives Matter movement reminds me of an artist turned agronomist, and as he put it, “kitchen chemist,”...

The Nature of Eureka – Instinct and information

Steven Foster - Internet headlines, stories and social media may spark and idea. In such a complex world, a simple message can be a...


Last night was not too hot, not too cold, it was just right. That might be because someone, somewhere, changed the time on Sunday...