
We probably all know people who have mixed drinks about feelings. Feelings are all over the place and they’re absolute. Changing minds is more...


We’ve said before that bullies eat, drink and marry too much. They choose grudges as their companions. They get others to do their dirty...


I hope everyone had a great week last week. We had a few good days of fishing even with the temperatures the way they...

The Coffee Table

Installation of the Thought Police When I was in high school, I played the landlady in a stage production of George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984. I had a few...

The Coffee Table

Evolution of the Dinosaur I don’t have a smart phone. I have a dumb phone.  It doesn’t tell me when I’m lost. Doesn’t take pictures or...

The Dirt on Nicky

Thank you very much Let’s suppose you are browsing the bean department of the market and the greengrocer hands you free tomatoes plus some cilantro....

The Dirt on Nicky

The real dirt on Nicky In 1983, Old Adobe Developmental Services, a nonprofit agency in Petaluma, Calif., created Luna Nueva Farm, an organic vegetable and...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week March 13 – 19, 2024

Spring, New Zodiacal Year & International Astrology Day This is our last week of both Pisces and the winter season (N. latitudes)! On Tuesday, March...


The Chinese confirmed on New Year’s Eve 2019 that dozens of people were being treated for a mysterious yet similar illness. There was no...

Dropping a Line

Well, it’s been a slow week on trips with school starting back and the rain, so instead of showing a pic of fish I...