The Coffee Table

Thwarting the Google-Eye I have pretty much learned to disregard all the pop-up ads that litter the margins when I’m reading online. Sometimes they are too...

Hall Closets

Go to the mountain Come back to the city Where a whole lot of things Don't look very pretty Spiritual hunger and spiritual thirst But you got to change...

American Insights

A Perennial Choice “America wept tonight, not alone for its dead young President, but for itself,” the journalist James Reston wrote in a special to...

Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 24 – 30, 2024

Leo’s Creative Gifts & the Aquarian Summer Salon   We rejoice when the Sun enters Leo, sign of the heart of all that matters, sign of...

The Dirt on Nicky

A heart-shaped tale   There was plenty happening in our world this weekend, and it had to figure itself out without my input because I was...


This was a good week for Bobby Baucom from Missouri who came down to harass our fish. He’s a repeat customer and good friend by...