Vote Tuesday! Schools deserve good boards



The forgotten election: Eureka Springs School Board. Do school boards seem boring and irrelevant? Not so fast. The voting public elects their board of education, which in turn votes on the academic, legal, and financial viability of a school district’s policies and budgets. The decisions that school boards make have repercussions far beyond our schools, and impact our local taxes, home values and school quality.

Last month, Eureka Springs held a school board election. As a candidate, I humbly thank the 123 voters who participated. A Big Thank You! This is not just an inner city election. We have over 5,000 registered voters in our district that covers territory beyond Eureka Springs city limits, including Holiday Island, Hillspeak, Grassy Knob, etc.

Your single vote counts more in school board elections than any other election due to the low turnout. Whether you are satisfied with your school board or not, your vote is instrumental in shaping the board so that it answers the needs of its students, parents, and staff.

If you are the parent of a child in the school system or a member of this community, it is imperative to vote in these elections. The good news is, you have another chance to vote in the upcoming Run Off election on June, 18 at St. Elizabeth’s on Passion Play Rd. Early voting (June 11-17) has already started at the Eureka Springs Courthouse. I want to encourage you to come and vote. Voting for school board is a powerful way to support our students and community. Thank you.

Candace Spaulding