Vaccinations being rolled out in Carroll County


This week vaccinations for Covid-19 opened in Arkansas for people who are 70 or older and for school personnel. About 80 percent of people in the U.S. who have died from Covid-19 are over 65 years old, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Risks increase with age, with those over 85 facing a 630 times higher risk of death than people aged 18-29.

Elders have felt like there is a target on their back.

“I feel very vulnerable. I’m not used to that,” said resident Marie Howard, an active community volunteer who turns 86 next month. “The thing I like about the vaccines now being given to the older persons first is that it makes me feel there is some respect for my age instead of being set aside. Some of the news came out early saying old people are supposed to die anyhow. True, but I like the idea of being taken care, of having the crosshairs taken from my back.”

Howard faults former president Trump’s inaction and flouting of simple precautions, such as wearing masks, for the U.S. leading the world in the number of cases and deaths per population.

“I think it is going to be harder than we think to recover because this has fallen apart so badly,” Howard said.

There has been a lot of controversy over the availability of the Covid-19 vaccines including who should get them first and how they should be distributed. Recently systems across the country were overwhelmed when the government announced it was releasing a backlog of vaccines saved for the second doses needed, and recommending states open vaccinations to those over 65. However, there was no backlog and some states that opened the vaccinations to those 65 and older were overwhelmed with requests that crashed their systems.

By opening it to people over 70, Arkansas might be able to handle the vaccinations more efficiently. Currently the Arkansas Department of Health estimated only three percent of people in the state have been vaccinated. Arkansas is one of several states using not only hospitals, but small pharmacies, to help vaccinate. That model has been heralded in West Virginia, which is currently leading the country in the number of residents who have received vaccines. About 7.5 percent of the population of West Virginia has received both shots.

Carroll County pharmacies reported having hundreds of residents over age 70 who signed up to get the vaccinations. Dr. Dan Bell said the ECHO Clinic was planning a drive-through vaccination early in the week for people on the waiting list at Smith Drug.

To get the Moderna shot at the ECHO drive-through clinic, you must have proof of your age and be on the list at Smith Drug, (479) 253-9175. Bell requested that people not show up to be vaccinated unless they are on the waiting list with Smith Drug.

“If you aren’t on the list, you will be turned away,” Bell said. “Please don’t add to traffic congestion by trying to get the shot if you are not eligible or aren’t on the list.”

Bell said that the health department has said that drugstores in Arkansas that are more efficient at giving the vaccinations will be replenished more quickly than vaccination locations that don’t use all of their supply. Smith Drug initially has 300 shots while the population of people over 70 in the Eureka Springs area is estimated at 850. Bell said they were hoping to use all the 300 shots the first week and have more vaccine delivered.

People who get the shot will remain in their vehicles and be required to wait at least 15 minutes before leaving to make sure there is not an adverse reaction. Anyone with serious reactions to vaccines in the past needs to wait at least 30 minutes and discuss the advisability of getting the vaccine at all with their doctor.

Eureka Springs School District Nurse Meghan Wolfinbarger said the district tentatively has set Jan. 27 as the date for Smith Drug to come and vaccinate school staff.

“We are including anyone on staff and our substitute teachers, plus the staff at Clear Spring School and the Academy of Excellence, in the numbers to be vaccinated,” she said.

Also providing vaccinations is the Holiday Island Pharmacy. Call (479) 239-2099 to get on the waiting list. Pharmacist Amy Johnson said people will be contacted to set up an appointment. The Holiday Island Pharmacy does vaccinations in a special immunization room at the drugstore each day from 9 a.m. to noon.

“We are excited about the rollout to vaccinate everyone and end this pandemic,” Johnson said. “People in Holiday Island are very receptive and excited. I think everyone is wanting to protect against the virus. There is a limited supply vaccine of the Moderna vaccine. There is a greater demand than the vaccine that has been received currently. Everyone knows that is a nationwide issue.”

Johnson encouraged everyone to stay safe and continue to take precautions such as wearing a mask, social distancing and hand washing even after receiving the first shot.

Some residents reported getting appointments through the Eureka Springs Hospital for vaccinations this week. Numerous calls to ESH were not returned.

There are also two participating pharmacies in Berryville. Economy Drugs launched a program on its website, which people can use to make appointments for vaccinations. At Poyner Drugs, Tory McDaniel, a pharmacy tech, said people should call (870) 423-2737 or send an email to to schedule a vaccination. She said vaccinations of people over 70 and older and school staff began Jan. 18.

“If you email, you do not have to call,” McDaniel said. “Just do one or the other. We will contact you back with an appointment. There will be individual vaccinations here at the store and we will be doing some clinics for schools and banks.”

Some residents, not certain which might be the best option for a speedy vaccination, have been getting on waiting lists several places. McDaniel said she didn’t see a problem with that.

“If you got it somewhere else, we can remove you from the list when we call you to make an appointment,” McDaniel said.

Harp’s Pharmacy in Green Forest is another participating pharmacy. People interested in making an appointment for vaccinations are requested to visit the pharmacy’s Facebook page for more information. A voice message on the pharmacy’s answering machine states that the Covid vaccine is very limited, but the pharmacy is doing its best to care for their customers’ immediate and long-term healthcare needs.