This Week’s Independent Thinker


Our editorial cartoonist, Wolf Grulkey, owns a food truck in Alma, Ark., called the Hungry Wolf. A couple of weeks ago he loaded his kitchen to feed marchers on Martin Luther King Day. It was cold, windy and rainy in Ft. Smith, and marchers bundled up but they didn’t eat – they mostly marched to their cars to get warm.

So Wolf drove his food truck to the Ft. Smith Regional Airport where he fed, for free, 24 air traffic controllers, TSA agents and National Guardsmen who had to work for nothing while their paychecks were withheld for childish reasons.

FYI, Random Acts of Kindness Day is Sunday, Feb. 17. A good time to realize that most people are good and most intentions are good, and while much news magnifies dysfunction, it isn’t fake.

It’s simply relying on factual information and thoughtful self-discipline so a kind society can thrive.

Pic lifted from Facebook