The Pursuit of Happiness


A young filmmaker named Starla Larson intends to use material from a novel I wrote several years ago to make a movie taking place in Berryville. There are two central characters in the novel, a phlegmatic bookseller named John Heartbreak, and his wife, the Fabulous Mrs. Heartbreak. Starla has inquired about who among our local talent could play these characters.

I thought immediately of artist Zeek Taylor to play John Heartbreak, and of my ESI colleague John Rankine to play Mrs. Heartbreak. Rankine is entirely fabulous and playing the Fabulous Mrs. Heartbreak is simply fabulous casting. I’m sure John could own and immortalize the role.

Zeek might have some trouble though; he is friendly and popular and has marvelous social skills. John Heartbreak, on the other hand, is dour and deaf and universally regarded as the dullest man in Carroll County. If you’re familiar with the menfolk of Carroll County you’ll know that’s quite an accomplishment. So, Zeek’s out. Sorry, Zeek.

An array of actors is needed to play tourists from Iowa. These characters never break any of the 10 Commandments, or a twenty dollar bill, and are incensed that Heartbreak’s Pretty Good Books and Really Dreadful Coffee doesn’t stock any Louis L’Amour paperbacks. If you know someone who fits the bill please suggest they apply for the opportunity.

There are several other roles to be filled. One is a serial killer, another is the Holy Ghost. I can think of several local folks to play the killer – type casting again – but casting the Holy Ghost presents some challenges. The actor needs to be funny and charming and capable of walking in and out of several time dimensions all at once. (Maybe Starla can talk Zeek into taking on the HG role?)

But who to play John Heartbreak? Any paunchy old guy can do it. And the role really isn’t that difficult. He has only one scene: a local preacher races up to him and says, “I know you need to talk to me!”

John snorts. “Why would I want to talk with you? I just finished talking to your boss… and He isn’t very happy right now…”