Spend energy on justice



Since “He Who Shall Remain Nameless” was anointed by the Electoral College, our household can no longer listen to the news except for an occasional peek at Rachel Maddow on MSNBC. So, we are especially grateful to The Independent for a truth-filled look at the news.

My stomach hurts every time I hear about one of HWSRN’s cabinet appointments. HWSRN is such a narcissistic, psychologically-challenged rich fascist that I grieve for our country. He, his appointees, his slick family and the lackey Republicans are determined to destroy all the progress made with the Obamas and the Democrats. The poor shall suffer.

A friend of mine said, “Just wait ‘til those folks who voted for [him] find out [he] is not going to do anything for them, then…” I replied, “I don’t think they will even notice.”

Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post said HWSRN’s voters do not care about [his] racism, misogyny, fascistic policies, etc. They just like [him]; [his] bombastic speeches, [his] anger, [his] hollering, [his] name-calling.

A Christian acquaintance told me not to hate [him]. Hate is bad, she said.

I recall Black Panther George Jackson who was murdered by guards in prison. He talked about “perfect love and perfect hate,” writing, “I can never delude myself into thinking that I love my enemies. You simply cannot reason with people like them [the fascists], they have too much to lose by being reasonable… we are bonded to the fascist society by chains that have strangled our intellects, scrambled our wits and sent us stumbling backwards into a wild, disorganized retreat from reality… we don’t want a piece of that pie. It’s rotten, putrid, repulsive to all the senses.”

A popular slogan of the Vietnamese during the war against them, “Turn hatred into energy.” I hope Eurekans energize and go to Little Rock on Jan. 20 to march on the 21st at the Women’s March for Arkansas at the Capitol, 10 a.m. The march is open to all.

We can carpool and let our energy for justice be known. We can take signs & banners and wear our t-shirts! And picnic along the highway. Democracy needs us.

T.A. Laughlin