Residents discuss upgrades and their costs


It was a full house at the Holiday Island Suburban Improvement District (HISID) Board of Commissioners Monday night.  Chair Linda Graves led the meeting with commissioners David Makidon, Bill Noonan, and Dan Kees. Nita Holley was absent. 

District Manager Lawrence Blood provided a slideshow of the hazard mitigation projects from 2016 to present. The report included a variety of road, ditch, and shoulder repairs in the district including reconstruction due to a landslide on Stateline Road costing $74,985, of which FEMA covered $59,988 reducing HISID’s cost to $14,997. 

Residents interacted with suggestions for the repairs to consist of more than a thin layer of slurry, but also a mass rock buildup for a more permanent solution. Blood agreed and described durability of the intended repairs, and also said a Request for Proposal has been issued for 2019 road paving.

Marina needs to be cooled

The Commission discussed the need for replacement to the HVAC unit at the marina. Blood said the building has little or no insulation, a metal roof, and becomes a very hot location in the summer according to the marina operator. 

Commissioners discussed optional types of air systems and many residents provided feedback regarding different approaches to a solution. Blood made a presentation showing there would not be enough walking room on the dock if window/wall units were installed.

Ultimately, commissioners chose to replace the existing unit estimated to cost $4,743. Makidon was the only opposition to that as he advocated for the marina operator to pay for an improved air system. Residents approached the microphone stating they did not believe asking the store operator to pay would be appropriate since the property is owned by HISID.