Planning strives for compliance and flexibility


The Planning Commission took a look at the way its meetings are conducted on April 25 when commissioner Doug Breitling said following Robert’s Rules of Order (RRO) “makes for more efficient meetings and keeps the commission focused and on task.”

Commissioner Susan Harman replied she would be fine with following RRO but she would need to go through it again. Commissioner Ann Sallee also wanted to read it again, so chair Melissa Greene asked if commissioners wanted to table the topic until next meeting.

“No,” commissioner James Morris replied, as he explained that RRO is very precise. Under strict use of the rules, Morris said, he would not be able to speak directly to another commissioner but only to the chair. Morris said the commission in 2014 voted to follow RRO but to keep it loose with the understanding the chair could still bring matters back to order if needed. He advocated the less structured style. “Let’s don’t tie ourselves down,” he commented.

Sallee asked Morris to explain more clearly what the commission agreed to in 2014, and Morris explained again they agreed to keep the discussion loose. Sallee asked what keeping it loose meant, and Morris made his points about the advantage of the informal style versus cumbersome examples he offered from following RRO.

Harman asked if there were revised information somewhere for new commissioners that explained “loose,” and City Economic Development Director Glenna Booth answered, “No.”

Greene stated she preferred an informal style, but she wanted to tighten up the proceedings a bit. She said, “Raise your hand and I’ll call on you.”

Harman raised her hand. She asked, “Can we make it clearer? Your loose, his loose, my loose might be different things.” Sallee agreed with Harman and suggested they email their sentiments to Booth who could compile them for the next meeting.

Booth agreed, stating, “It would be good to have those parameters.”

Commissioners will take up the discussion again at the May 23 meeting.

Final items

  • Commissioners approved demolition of two structures at 560 W. Van Buren. Owner Lawrence Blood said there was extensive pest damage, holes in the floor and “nothing up to Code in the house.”
  • Regarding the draft of their revised complaint form, Greene said she had shown it to Building Inspector Bobby Ray, and he said parts were not enforceable. Harman wanted to know why, and she moved they let Sallee modify the form and bring it back for review.
  • As the Board of Zoning Adjustment, commissioners approved a setback variance for construction of a single car garage at 42 Vaughn.

Next meeting will be Tuesday, May 9, at 6 p.m.