Parks says ‘Talk to us’ directly


Parks commissioners met Feb. 28 and newly-appointed commissioner Dave Hartmann accepted the position of secretary. Absent were Vice-Chair Ruth Hager and commissioner Draxie Rogers. 

Pat Costner asked that the commission post a more detailed meeting agenda before each meeting, saying during Public Comments she believes it would be a service to citizens and may encourage meeting attendance. Chair Bill Featherstone acknowledged this as a fair request.        

Featherstone then made a request to the public regarding unnecessary social media bashing, asking that anyone with a Parks-related grievance to first speak to a commissioner or call Parks at (479) 253-2866. “Let’s try to work together because we are all on the same team,” he metaphored.

On with the meeting

Parks Director Justin Huss provided his monthly operations report beginning with delays of projects and closed trails due to the uncooperative weather. However, he has expanded staff and they are working on numerous projects including completing a chainsaw training course and splitting firewood for the season. 

Huss said they would begin advertising for seasonal staff in the near future, and said groundskeeper Shannon Lively, hired in 2015, is leaving Parks’ employment. Huss said Lively was a “tremendous asset to the organization,” and reminded commissioners that Lively administered CPR to Parks gardener Tom Beckendorf who suffered a heart attack, saving his life. 

Black Bass Lake hillside above the spillway is showing deterioration and is being monitored. Huss also said Harmon Park is still undergoing improvement, and contractors are reclaiming edges and walls around the park. Due to temporary staff absence, the main office improvements are delayed. 

Huss said the entire trail network in Lake Leatherwood City Park is in excellent shape, to the credit of both Trail Manager Austin Hayes and trails’ volunteers; the dock, marina roof, and bathhouse roof repair has been delayed due to weather; and Parks will be requesting bids to remove a tree which has begun to show problematic signs in Basin Park near the Turpentine Creek store. Also, the Basin Park fountain is due to be sandblasted and refinished.

Huss reminded commissioners that committees are in need of new members, and volunteers can live outside the city limits: Lake Leatherwood, Leatherwood Ball Fields, Springs/Gardens/Greenhouse, Special Events, Trails, and Harmon Park.  To volunteer go to and click on the Volunteer tab.  “Committees have served us very well in the past,” Featherstone said.  “A lot has gotten done as a result of committees.” However, it was said that committee participation has become idle. 

Making light of it

Finally, Huss stated that the lights at the ball fields are currently using over 600 amps of electricity each month. He requested a budget of $15,000 for updating the lights to LED to drop the amp usage to an estimated 80 or less. Ultimately, he said he would like to see the ball fields running exclusively on solar power. 

Money gets its turn

Huss presented commissioners with a total Leatherwood budget allocation of $85,500 for the next six months to be reviewed at mid-year. This includes $25,000 for shuttle services, $15,000 maintenance, $5,000 equipment, $9,500 trails, $6,000 picnic/trash, $15,000 ball field LED light improvements, and $10,000 discretionary. The commission delayed the funds of the LED lights until a more detailed budget could be provided, but approved the remainder of the request. 

Huss also requested $51,755 for insurance allocations, saying the insurance payment has been received from storm damage. He said the boats and life jackets cost is $15,000, and the dock/bait shop/bathhouse repair is $36,755. Commissioners approved those budget allocations.

In new business, commissioner Steven Foster said he has been working with attorney Kristi Kendrick to formalize a bequeathment bench program for placement of new benches on the east side of Lake Leatherwood along the trails.  

A hard copy of the financial summary for January 2019 was submitted by staff. The Lake Leatherwood Master Plan revenue totaled $11,035, and expenses totaled $12,353 for a net loss of $1,318.  January sales tax revenue totaled $10,414 and is $1,351 under projections. Total income was $27,664 and total expenses were $56,482, for a net loss of $28,818. The financial report was not discussed nor approved.   

Commissioners reminded the public that the Wednesday Walks with Chris Fischer are posted every Monday on the Blog of and are open to the public.

The next Parks meeting is Tuesday, March 19 at 6 p.m. in the Auditorium.