Parks Director fired


A day after holding a workshop to discuss first quarter financials, the Parks commission met in a special meeting on Oct. 7 that went straight to Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. The commission returned after an hour taking no action and adjourning. Parks Executive Director Justin Huss was then dismissed from his position on Friday, without a vote from the commission.

In response to questions by email about the dismissal of Huss, Parks Chair Ruth Hager said that she was not sure what she could respond to. She confirmed Huss’s employment was terminated on Friday and that she had met with Parks employees at their staff meeting reassuring them, “…that everything was fine, and that they should continue to do all the things they are doing to make our parks run well for locals and for tourists, alike.”

In an email, Mayor Butch Berry said that his “understanding” was that Hager had been the one to terminate Huss’s employment and that she had the authority to do so. Ruth neither confirmed nor denied this statement but said that the commission will be appointing an interim director and begin search for a permanent director soon.

When asked if the commission had held a vote that carried for the dismissal of Huss or if they would Hager said she would check into it.