Parking garage still in Neutral


In closing remarks from commissioner James DeVito at last week’s meeting, spending CAPC funds for tangible assets was discussed, specifically a downtown parking garage. DeVito said, “I think it’s time that we look at the big picture and what the CAPC can do.”

DeVito said that downtown parking should be the objective of the future and said, “it is a topic that I feel is important to everybody that loves Eureka Springs.” DeVito went on to explain how the CAPC could financially make parking a reality for Eureka’s visitors, “If we were to take the $200,000 that we allocate to the Auditorium for music, and the special events director’s salary, we’ve got $250,000 already going toward a bond issue.”

Since inception of the CAPC, DeVito estimates that the commission has spent more than $25 million for intangible items but owns no real property. “A few file cabinets and a couple of desks,” DeVito said are the physical sum of the CAPC’s holdings. “We have no tangible assets for all the money we have spent,” he said.

DeVito questioned if the commission should be spending money to bring in tourists so that they can have a “less-than-pleasant experience.  I don’t think that anybody that knows Eureka Springs can deny that parking is our number one issue.”

The Auditorium, he said, could become a more viable and attractive draw for promoters if parking were available. “We have to recognize the complaints levied against us by our customers,” DeVito said, “and for once, deal with them.”

Items for discussion at the next meeting will be the Fun Guide, Right Mind, and a code of conduct including a non-disclosure agreement.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 10 at 6 p.m. 


  1. OMG…….the forever discussion about parking garage. Haven’t lived there in decades, but a parking garage will forever be your discussion. GIVE IT UP!,………..Never going to happen! Focus on healthier issues! Broken records……

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