Nice? Us?



I am a subscriber to your newspaper and I just want to say thank you for the nice little newspaper you have there.

I hope to move to Eureka Springs sometime in the future, for your cute little town, your liberal atmosphere, your clean air and of course, the Zombie Crawl and other things.

I want to escape California’s dirty air, clogged highways, outrageous cost of living and its radioactive ocean water (thanks to Japan’s nuclear power plant meltdown and thanks to nuclear waste dumping near the Farallon Islands.)

William Davis


  1. Hello William,

    Did you read “The end of fracking” posted in this edition?

    It says Nuclear power plants are safe, the fear of radiation is not supported by facts. It also says air pollution from burning fossil fuels and wood pellets kills millions of people. A related column “Keeping the lights on” on August 28, has more details.

    Nuclear weapons are different from nuclear reactors in power plants. A new generation of nuclear reactors is in the works:

    Dr. James Hansen, our top climate scientist, says we will need more nuclear power plants to shut down coal and natural gas-fired power plants. Hansen has been on the frontlines protecting future generations. His work continues with an awesome team looking for climate solutions.

    Dumping nuclear waste and building nuclear weapons is criminal.

    Here are the facts: “From 1946 to 1970, the sea around the Farallones was used as a nuclear dumping site for radioactive waste under the authority of the Atomic Energy Commission at a site known as the Farallon Island Nuclear Waste Dump.” This is a nasty dump site, unrelated to the 2010 Fukushima disaster.

    Arkansas has one nuclear power plant that runs around the clock without greenhouse gas emissions. There are many old coal and gas-fired plants from the time the Koch brothers loved Arkansas. One is dead, and we are fighting their deadly legacy.

    You are welcome to visit Eureka, the Zombies are staying at home during the pandemic. We all wear facemasks and care for each other.

    Thank you for subscribing to our newspaper, tell your friends about the ESI and ask them to join the news.

    There is a waiting list to live in Eureka, good luck!


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