My Tribute to Colonel Daniel J. Mumaugh (USAF RET)


A few moons ago, my good friend and fellow director, Colonel Daniel J. Mumaugh, called me aside and confidentially told me that he had Stage 4 cancer. I responded to him that although I didn’t know the details about the cancer, that great strides had been made in this cancer business, and that he should fight it as best he could, and he certainly did so.

Colonel Dan was a veteran, as I am, who retired after 26 years of active duty, and he and his wife, Cheryl, moved to a historic 1950 Craftsman-style home and acreage outside of Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The couple followed their hearts by becoming active in Golden Retriever rescue fostering, adopting and finding forever homes for dozens of dogs.

Dan felt he was honored to be asked to serve on the Board of Directors for the Bank of Eureka Springs (now CS Bank). He was active in Rotary and sat on the advisory board of Mercy Home Health Care and Hospice. He was Executive Director and Chairman of the Carroll County Community Foundation and was twice elected to the Carroll County Quorum Court. 

After moves to Goshen and then to Springdale, Dan continued his service to CS Bank and took on new duties on the Broyles Foundation and the Military Officers Association Boards. He became even closer to his Savior Jesus Christ, while attending St. Gabriel’s Anglican Church in Springdale, where he loved serving the close-knit family as a Vestry Member and as Junior Warden. He credits Christ for all the blessings of his 71 years of life, and for letting him share them with his wife and partner, Cheryl, for 49 years.

Colonel Dan was not only a great director for almost 20 years as a Governing Board member, but he was “tough as boot leather.” The last time I saw him, he came to our August 8 board meeting, gave his report, drove home, and the next morning, checked himself into the Circle of Life Hospice in Springdale, and died on August 16, 2023. He came to every meeting but one, and he Zoomed in for that one!

As one veteran to another, I salute you, Col. Daniel J. Mumaugh, Sir, for your service to our country, and your service to our communities.

John Fuller Cross, Chairman