Independent Guestatorial: Survival on the Line


I am the fountain from which no one can drink.

For many, I am considered a necessary link.

Like gold to all I am sought for,

But my continued death brings wealth

For all who want more.Anonymous

Sometimes you must step back to see the whole picture. Reducing greenhouse emissions and increasing greenhouse sinks are the keys to survival. At an international level, Germany spoke clearly after Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia and the $110 billion arms sales. “Anyone who accelerates climate change by weakening environmental protection, who sells more weapons in conflict zones and who does not want to politically resolve religious conflicts is putting peace in Europe at risk,” Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel said.

Unnecessary bulk transmission lines, like Diamond, emit greenhouse gases and destroy carbon sinks. The fracking bubble threatens our economy and the survival of life on Earth, the main reason to stop Diamond!

I am the fountain from which no one can drink

We are running out of clean water, clean air, and food. New laws are taking away our freedom and increasing the velocity of global warming. Promoting deforestation, selling our national monuments, lowering gas-mileage requirements, allowing offshore drilling, and ignoring the U.N. Climate Agreement, are like jumping off a cliff.

For many, I am considered a necessary link

Pipelines are necessary to keep oil cash flowing and fracking is the new cash cow. The price of commodities is set by world markets. To make a profit, frackers need to reduce costs. Pipelines are built to lower the total cost of a barrel of oil. Pipelines are not safer than trains, they are cheaper.

Without Keystone XL, tar sands are a bad investment. Pipeline tariffs, around $9 per barrel, are one-third the cost of rail transport. No Keystone XL, no tar sands emissions.

Building pipelines requires investing billions of dollars. Plains All-American, Energy Transfer, and all Master Limited Partnerships need new pipelines to pay high-yield tax-free cash distributions to shareholders. The Pipeline Bubble depends on unnecessary pipeline projects to pay cash to existing partners. If the cash flow stops, the house of cards comes down.

Pipelines increase greenhouse emissions during construction and operation. Diamond cleared more than 5,000 acres of trees, vegetation and soil, and the carbon sink is gone forever. Diamond is releasing greenhouse gases from fuels used by bulldozers, trucks, drilling and welding equipment, and the emissions to manufacture 440-miles of Indian carbon steel pipes. To move 200,000 barrels per day, pump stations would use 20 to 40 megawatts of electricity around the clock. Diamond has not disclosed the engineering specifications; Keystone XL specs show 41 pump stations, each drawing 25 megawatts.

Like gold to all I am sought for

Conventional oil is higher quality and lower cost, it may seem like gold, but frackers are out of their league. Stop fracking the U.S. and buy what we need while we build emission-free mass transit systems and learn to use electric vehicles and bicycles.

But my continued death brings wealth

Oil and gas are deadly, leave them in the ground. The Dakota Access Pipeline will produce greenhouse gas emissions equivalent to 30 coal-fired power plants. Diamond is guaranteed to spill.

For all who want more

The U.S. can’t use China as an excuse to continue burning fossil fuels. The new China has taken significant steps to meet its goals according to the UN Climate Agreement. Solar hills and floating solar fields are rapidly replacing coal-fired power plants.

What a moment!

Life is a riddle. Out of all people in history we will decide what happens next. Let’s use our energy wisely and give it the best we have. Pick something you care about and commit to find a better way. Eureka Springs has organic farmers, artists, and great people. Enjoy the challenge, learn something new, and make new friends. Keep your head up and smile.

Oil is not the answer, we must transition away from fossil fuels and embrace a green economy with thousands of safe, healthy, high-paying jobs.

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. Shale crude oil from U.S. shale plays is a false BOOM for the economy

    Oil prices are going down … Here is what is in the news: from $50 to $40 to $30 per barrel


    Oil is in a downtrend and risks trending into the $30’s,” Paul Ciana, a technical strategist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, said in a note on Tuesday, as quoted by Business Insider.

    Oil prices have now dropped to the levels they traded before OPEC and 11 non-OPEC producers agreed to a production cut deal in an effort to kill the glut and push prices up.

    The nine-month extension to the deal, until March 2018, failed to lift oil prices, with analysts and traders questioning if OPEC’s cuts have had or would have an effect on global supply, given the U.S. shale resurgence, rising output from other producers that are not part of the deal, and increased production within OPEC, where exempt Libya and Nigeria, and non-complying Iraq, have recently increased output.

    Like BofA, Fereidun Fesharaki, chairman of oil and gas consultancy FGE, on Monday said that oil prices could plunge to US$30 a barrel in 2018 and maintain that low price for some two years if OPEC fails to make steeper output cuts.

    Oil prices are “most definitely” heading to US$40 and are likely to slip into the upper US$30s, John Kilduff, founding partner at energy hedge fund Again Capital, told CNBC’s Squawk Box on Tuesday.

    “The future might be bright for oil prices but the present is not,” Tamas Varga with London-based broker PVM told FT. Any immediate price gain would be “wishful thinking”, according to the analyst.

  2. Shale crude oil is NOT the answer … transitioning to green transportation and a green economy is the only alternative with superior smart 21st Century technology

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