Hope for change


“Since our leaders are behaving like children, we will have to take the responsibility they should have taken long ago.” Greta Thunberg

At the Poland United Nations Climate Conference, COP-24, the shining star was Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old Swedish expert climate activist. Last week, she had a private meeting with UN Secretary-General António Guterres demanding action. “I will not beg the world leaders to care for our future, I will instead let them know that change is coming whether they like it or not,” she said.

Greta says politicians and journalists don’t know how fast the climate is shifting and don’t understand the radical changes required to avoid extinction. “They don’t know what the Albedo effect is or the Keeling Curve, or other things as simple as that, they don’t have a clue. Grownups say one thing and do the opposite.”

When she was 8-years-old, Greta heard about the climate emergency at school. She was told to turn off the lights and use less paper to mitigate the crisis. At the time, it did not make sense to her, but she decided to give it a try. Greta and her parents read and learned all they could about the emerging crisis. Greta decided to start a sit-down strike at the Swedish Parliament. Her friends did not want to join, so she went by herself. After two weeks she was asked to move, and she continued the strike across the street.

Greta is inspiring kids all over the world to save their future. School Strike for the Climate has become an international civil disobedience movement. What can we learn from Greta and her parents’ total commitment and personal changes to fight the climate crimes?

The climate for change in America is now

America is not walking away from climate action. Michael R. Bloomberg, UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and former Mayor of New York City, said, “With Washington asleep at the switch, local governments, states, businesses, and citizens from across the political spectrum are taking steps to tackle climate change and build a bright future for our country.” The Bloomberg special documentary Paris to Pittsburgh premieres December 12 at 8 p.m. CST, on the National Geographic Channel.

China leading the world on climate

At COP-24, Li Gao, Director-General at the Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment, noted that the financial responsibility should rest with developed countries. “Climate change was caused by the unlimited emissions of developed countries since the Industrial Revolution, therefore, those countries should take on more responsibilities,” Li said.

China has a three-pronged climate strategy: Revise their economic development program, migrate to a low-carbon energy system, and build a green regenerative industrial system. China is leading the use and manufacture of all-electric vehicles.

Results: As of 2017, China had cut CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by 46 percent from the 2005 level, fulfilling its commitment to reduce CO2 emissions 45 percent by 2020. China’s carbon dioxide emissions per person are much lower than that of the United States, Li noted. China has been helping poor countries with solar power energy solutions.

Respecting Gaia

The Trump Administration’s disregard for life and the living Earth is a common occurrence. Supreme Court rulings, executive orders and environmental decisions destroying public lands, wetlands, water, and endangered species are out in the open. Not even frogs are getting a break. The “dusky gopher frog” was in the way of a Weyerhaeuser project to harvest pine trees. Chief Justice John Roberts said, “Warts dot its back, and dark spots cover its entire body. It secretes a bitter, milky substance to deter would-be diners.” Is Roberts a biologist or an ecologist? I wonder how the dusky gopher frog would describe Roberts? Respecting Gaia is required to stop the climate decline.

Be like Greta and rise up

Please see the YouTube video “Greta Thunberg’s School Strike for the Climate” and listen to her powerful words. Meet her father, a human rights and environmental justice activist, and hear how Greta has changed his priorities “Greta & Svante Thunberg – Straight Talk.”

Dr. Luis Contreras


  1. Breaking News: The Trump Effect spreads to COP24

    COP24: Climate change talks extended as US and other major polluters hold up landmark agreement
    Divide emerges at crucial stage in UN summit between nations that feel threatened by global warming and those that feel ‘more threatened by climate action’

    Critical climate talks have been extended by two days after big polluters including the US and Saudi Arabia pushed back against key scientific findings.

    Tensions are running high in the Polish city of Katowice following two weeks of fraught discussions at the UN COP24 summit between countries with very different climate agendas.

    UN chief Antonio Guterres warned failing to reach a satisfactory conclusion would be “suicidal,” a point echoed by small island states fearing for their existence as rising sea levels render their homes uninhabitable.

    A group of these vulnerable states has pledged to further delay proceedings by “rebelling against extinction,” and blocking agreements until their demands for tougher action are met.

    Experts cautiously welcomed a draft agreement that was finally released on Thursday night, but countries must now resolve outstanding issues, including pledges to ramp up emissions cuts.

    Initially a conclusion was planned for Friday, but talks are now expected to run long into the night and spill over into the weekend. Some see the talks dragging on until Sunday.

    Donald Trump’s shadow looms large over the conference, as his pledge to remove the US from the Paris climate agreement appears to have driven the US to align with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Russia.

    Concerns were raised the moment this coalition of oil producers questioned the importance of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s scientific findings.

    “They are going to the letter of what Trump said … when he announced the intention to withdraw,” Camilla Born from climate change think tank E3G told The Independent.


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