HISID amending voting procedures


The first reading of Reg. 2020-003 was unanimously approved amending the Board of Commissioners election and voting procedures. This amendment is in response to a lawsuit that has been ongoing for several years according to District Manager Lawrence Blood who said, “It’s time to codify the things we have to do.”

HISID intends to meet the requirements of the final order from Circuit Court Judge Scott Jackson to administer its elections.

“When it comes to voting, the core document is the deed itself,” Blood told commissioners on Monday, describing the basic takeaway of the changes.

HISID’s old election system only allowed a vote from the first two names listed on the property deed. This amendment remedies eligibility of all deed owners to vote by providing for a provisional ballot.

The provisional ballot gives election workers time to verify eligibility of the voter beyond the first two names listed on the deed.

In addition, this amendment removes provisions that originally banned property owners from both nomination and voting rights if they were delinquent in paying assessments or utility bills.

The regulation also adds the provision that Table Rock Landing shall notify HISID of the names and addresses of all current timeshare owners at least 45 days prior to an election allowing for all individuals listed on the timeshare deed to vote.

“This has gone on long enough,” commissioner Nita Holley said, finding agreement from commissioner Dan Kees.

Chair Ken Brown said after allowing Blood to read aloud each change of the proposed amendment, “This is what we are voting on now, these changes that were ordered by the judge.” The regulation amendment will be voted on again at the next meeting.

Auxiliary and grant money bump up fire department

Res. 2020-R5 passed unanimously, which gives Blood approval needed to apply for an Arkansas Rural Community Grant for 50 percent of an $8,000 fire equipment purchase. HIFD is seeking an aluminum telescoping support system to stabilize vehicle turnovers.

The system includes position-based plates for stabilization to be used by rescue crews. The HI Fire Auxiliary is contributing $3,000, and the HISID general fund is contributing the remaining $1,000. “The Fire Auxiliary does such a great job,” Chair Ken Brown said. The fire department hopes to replace Jaws-of-Life equipment in the future.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Monday, August 17 at 9 a.m.