Healthcare providers are the deciders on individual testing


The Arkansas Dept. of Health has provided the following information for guidance:

If you think you have been exposed to Covid-19 and develop a fever, cough, or shortness of breath call your healthcare provider.

Those at higher risk for serious illness include older adults and people with underlying chronic medical conditions. People who are considered high risk should contact their healthcare provider early, even if symptoms are mild.

Healthcare providers will decide if testing for Covid-19 is necessary based on your symptoms and known exposures. Providers can test through private labs.

The ADH does not collect specimens for testing. Only your healthcare provider can decide if testing is needed and collect needed specimens.

At this time, the ADH Public Health Lab is only performing tests for Arkansans with possible high-risk exposure to Covid-19. However, healthcare providers have access to testing through other labs.

People who are mildly ill may be able to self-isolate and care for themselves at home. If emergency warning signs develop, seek medical attention immediately. These signs include difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face.

The ADH is monitoring Arkansans with possible exposure to Covid-19. Depending on travel history, or exposure to people with confirmed Covid-19, some individuals may be placed under home quarantine. If symptoms do not develop prior to the last date of quarantine, these people will be free to resume their normal activities.

Testing sites in Carroll County and the surrounding area:

  • Washington Regional Family Clinic in Eureka Springs
  • Boston Mountain Rural Health in Green Forest and Huntsville
  • North Arkansas Regional Medical Clinic (North) in Harrison