HDC approves new applications but nixes the old Happy Birthday song


The Historic District Commission had no agenda for the meeting planned for Oct. 2, and that meeting was canceled. The commission met Oct. 16, with another light agenda.

Stacy Mahurin spoke on behalf of owner Jerry Pate about a planned project at 180 N. Main St. The building dates to 1900, and is considered contributing. Mahurin shared pictures showing a decaying concrete stairway at the side of the house. Replacing those concrete steps with a wooden stairway will also improve drainage, and the plan includes a wooden deck 12 ft. square.

At 5 College St., Ken and Dale Becker had a Level II request to change the material on a carport roof. The house dates to 1965, although the carport was added later. Rolled roofing on the carport has been a running problem, and the HDC approved replacing the rolled roofing with metal.

Wendi Super brought older pictures of a house at 5 Linwood Ave., showing the house before the addition of several architectural details. She asked to remove the front porch railing, an entry archway, some latticework, and a gate. She also received approval to remove a half wall setting off the driveway.

Virgil Fowler received approval for a new carport at 120 N. Main St. The carport will measure 25 x 27 ft., with six-in.-square treated posts. The shingle roof will match the existing roof.

After an evening of straightforward approvals, a little levity arose during commissioner comments at the end of the meeting. Commissioner Marty Cogan noted that fellow commissioner Greg Moon had a birthday approaching, and she offered to sing “Happy Birthday” at the table. Moon politely declined, and also sidestepped questions about his exact age.

The HDC will next meet at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Level III applications are due by Oct. 24, and other levels are due by Oct. 31.