

A family that fishes together stays together and here’s living proof. Tim and Wendy Bowlin from Tecumseh, Kansas, came down to see me for another anniversary fishing trip, this one being 10 years.

Tim went all out for her this year staying in a Couples Cabin at Sugar Ridge Resort with chocolate-covered strawberries, roses, and of course, a fishing trip with me.

I`m not sure who likes to fish more Tim or Wendy. The fish must have known they weren’t planning on keeping their catch on this day because the fish were doing everything but jumping in the boat. At one time I had 3 fish in the net. Plenty of double hookups, I didn`t know whose fish to net first, half of the time. They kept me busy.

We had lots of laughs and had time to get all caught up on happening events.

We started out doing quite well using sunset and white colored Powerbait tipped with wax worms. As the fog burned off it slowed down somewhat. So out came the nightclawers injected with air to help keep them afloat, still using sunset Powerbait. It was on again, hard.

Tim even said a couple of times that he didn`t even think his bait was getting to the bottom before it was getting hammered. It was as much a treat for me as it was for them. Looking forward to next time.

For more pictures and videos look us up on facebook @ Custom Adventures Guide Service Or give us a call at (479) 363-9632, and take a kid fishing.