

Well, Mother Nature is not giving up! Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day. 

All waters are high. Fish are scattered amongst the water’s edges, in the trees, logs jams, and rock barriers, hidden in undiscovered waters and loving it.

 In river systems, high water means ripping current – and most fish just aren’t physically built to fight current all day long. For that reason, they congregate in areas that allow them a pause or break from the current. Look for where the still water meets the running water. That`s where you will find the fish waiting with their mouths open. As a general rule, the fish will move up with the water.

If you have a water level that is quickly moving up with spring rains, look to the shallows. These fish will often be making this move to the shallow bushes for a couple of different reasons. As water finds new ground, it brings in tons of forage for small baitfish, we all know what follows closely behind them!

High water gives the fish all they want to eat so it makes it tougher to fish. But they can always be tricked. To get the tricks and skillful acts Call Custom Adventures Guide Service (479) 363-9632. Or look us up on Facebook for more great pictures, and remember to take a kid fishing.