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The fish rots from the head – Old saying

The Trump administration is corrupt and the evidence is spewing from the rotted head for everyone to witness. Trump’s long time friend, Jeffrey Epstein, was just arrested for sex trafficking young girls to rich and powerful men from around the world. This shocking charge follows the 2016 campaign allegations of 22 women who have accused Trump himself of assault or rape. Months before the election, Trump quashed a lawsuit filed by a then 13 year-old-girl who claimed Trump brutally raped and beat her at Epstein’s New York apartment.

The corruption and sleaze oozing from this White House is epic. One has to ask: How many people in his social/business and political circle are pedophiles and sexual deviants? Remember Chinese spy and Mar-a-Lago member Cindy Yang and her “spa” that was actually a sex trafficking operation?

Five men in Trump’s closest circle are pedophiles; the latest bust was George Nader, who was arrested just last week with his computer filled with child pornography. Also, two of Trump’s 2020 campaign advisors were arrested for child sex trafficking recently, one in Kentucky who pleaded guilty, the other in Oklahoma.

Inside Trump’s administration the Attorney General and Secretary of Labor both knew of Epstein crimes and helped shield him before and after his 2011 conviction for having sex with little girls. Before becoming Labor Secretary, Alex Acosta was the prosecuting attorney who gave Epstein a sweetheart deal. While the victims had no knowledge of the sentencing deal at the time, AG Barr recently upheld the original terms of Epstein’s completed 18-month work release sentence.

Epstein’s sex trafficking prosecution could bring the downfall of many men who are engaged in the same sordid business. Of the 29 million slaves trafficked worldwide, 19% (4.5 million) of them are sex slaves and the profits from their bodies are about $99 billion each year or 66% of the annual human trafficking $150 billion haul.

Men who have for decades run their own worldwide mob laundering money and trafficking in sex slavery may finally be exposed for the monsters they are.