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Before her death in 1996, a blind Bulgarian seer, Baba Vanga, prophesized President Obama would be the last elected President of the US. Questions have swirled about Trump’s legitimacy and last week, President Carter said it out loud: Donald Trump is an illegitimate president. He did not win the election and he was installed by a dictator from a foreign adversarial country.

Last year, when our nation celebrated our 242th year of democracy and freedom, eight Republican congress people sneaked off to Russia to spend that sacred national holiday with Vladimir Putin, not with us Americans.

This year, Trump has co-opted our country’s 4th of July and decreed that it will be a celebration for just him and his friends by cordoning off the Lincoln Memorial. Since Trump has not paid the city of Washington, D.C. the $7 million for his 2017 inauguration security bill, taxpayers must now pull money from national security budgets to protect him and whoever he lets beyond those gates.

As Trump plans this upcoming blasphemy, he has just casually walked across the DMZ of a current war zone into enemy territory to shake the hand of a murderous dictator. Trump was so eager to get a picture of this event, his new press secretary, Stephanie Grisham, literally got into a brawl with North Korean guards. She came out of it bruised, but she got that photo op of Trump betraying our country; again.

I see nothing to celebrate this year. During Trump’s 2.5 years in the White House, international alliances and treaties have been obliterated while murderers and dictators have been courted and glorified. At home we’ve experienced an uptick in racial injustice, violence against minorities and women of all color; refugee children are imprisoned in cages, locked away from their families and the outside world. School shootings are a daily occurrence and the UN is sounding the alarm that we are in danger of losing our democracy because of such extreme income disparity.

How many warnings will it take for Americans to know our nation is in dire peril? Trump wants to postpone the 2020 census, are elections next?