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Just in time for Veteran’s Day celebrations, it’s our veterans’ turn to take a devastating financial hit. Manufacturers, farmers and coal miners have already been financially ruined by incompetence from this administration. From tariffs to budget cuts and now it seems Trump’s Mar-a-Lago cronies have messed up the IT systems of the VA so badly that veterans have not received monetary benefits they were promised when they joined the service, then laid their lives on the line to receive.

Republicans like Womack, Cotton, Boozman give lip service to these patriotic fellow citizens; but when it comes to commitment fulfillment; they’re missing in action, letting veterans take a devastating hit. Delayed or nonexistent school and housing payments are creating homelessness among returning soldiers. Using our men and women in uniform for publicity stunts and then starving them when they take off the uniform is cruel and deplorable.

I watched the centennial Armistice Ceremony today; leaders from France and Germany stood together in the rain, heads bowed, the eternal flame burning as a symbol of the perpetual commitment of countries united against fascism and tyranny. Our allies of the past 100 years stood alone; our president shunned our allies while they honored America’s soldiers and their valorous sacrifice for liberty.

Instead, Trump waited anxiously for Russia’s president; an avowed state enemy dedicated to America’s destruction. He only smiled when Putin arrived, then he preened at Putin’s thumbs-up gesture.

A master of psychological warfare, Putin employs many psy-ops strategies. While we combated their direct 2018 election interference; they are winning the psychological/internet wars. Their methods capitalize on Americans’ apathy and inaction, thus making human rights abuses around the world acceptable.

We see the normalizing of state sponsored bigotry and xenophobia which then cripples society by creating sub-groups of humans. Trump’s blatant promotion of nationalism is the antithesis of patriotism and who we say we are as Americans.

This election did not provide a respite from the dangers of greed or tyranny; our incoming representatives have work to do. Forcing Republicans to honor our commitment to our patriotic veterans’ must be a priority.