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I for one am now grateful we taxpayers paid almost 100 million dollars for Trump’s golf obsession. Had he been in his regular White House mode, he would have been watching Fox and we would now be in a nuclear war. Whew! That was close. The people of Hawaii were so terrified at bomb warning sirens blaring all over the islands they hid their children in drain pipes.

A rush of memories flooded in from my childhood; the drills of getting under our desks and covering our heads. And here we are again today. Thanks, Trump.

But that was just a blip on the screen of this year’s chaotic Trump/Republicon government rule. It’s been hard to keep up with all the craziness. In less than one year in office, Trump has been recorded in more than 2000 lies! Now we also learn he paid $130,000 hush money to a prostitute days before the election. Think Russian Kompromat/blackmail and I wonder if Steele’s Dossier was more than correct.

After Trump slammed Haiti as a “shithole,” the Haitian government claimed that Trump laundered almost a half million dollars for dictator “Baby Doc For Life” Duvalier through one of his condo sales! I guess Trump would know that Haiti is now a “shithole” because he helped make it that way by stealing the Haitian people’s money.

That brings us right back home. Trump seems to like these shallow holes because he is working to turn our country into one, too. The recent theft of our money by the 1% is no different than Trump laundering money for Haiti’s deposed dictator. But Haiti was small potatoes and this latest theft of more than a billion dollars from us is just business to him.

Never for a minute think that Steve Womack, Tom Cotton and John Boozman are not in on the deal. Their take from the 1% is substantial and their personal fortunes are growing daily. Their goal is our complete subjugation.

We still have a voice. Primaries are coming up. Choose a candidate and then work to get out the vote on November 6! People have the power.