Esoteric Astrology as news for week September 13 – 19, 2023


Mercury Direct, Days of Awe & Apples & Honey for a Sweet New Year

This is our last week of summer. Thursday, September 14, is the Virgo new moon festival (22 degrees Virgo). At new moon festivals we “strengthen and support the endeavors of the New Group of World Servers (NGWS).” The NGWS work everywhere in the world, often unrecognized, with dedication and intentions to bring into the world what humanity needs. We must always ask ourselves when we serve, “What does humanity need?” 

Friday this week Mercury turns stationary direct (8 degrees Virgo). Mercury remains in its retrograde shadow ‘til October 1, then begins to move forward faster. That is when we can safely resume our planning, agendas and communications. Mercury stations direct at 1:21 pm (West Coast time).

Jewish New Year Festival – Friday evening, at the sighting of the first star, the Jewish Festival of Rosh Hashanah begins.  Rosh Hashanah (Hebrew: ראש השנה‎, “beginning of the year”) commemorates the creation of the world, of Adam and Eve and knowledge of humanity’s role in G-d’s world. Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the Jewish Days of Awe. It’s a day of Judgment, too. The shofar (ram’s horn) is sounded, calling humanity to forgiveness (offering and asking). Rosh Hashanah is the first of the 10 Days of Repentance culminating in Yom Kippur (Sept. 24-25, Day of Atonement). On Rosh Hashanah we eat apples dipped in honey for a “sweet year” ahead, blessing one another with the words ‘L’ Shanah tovah. May we have a sweet and abundant new year ahead!

On Friday of next week, September 22, 2023, the Sun enters Libra. It is the fall equinox and autumn officially begins in our northern latitudes. The signs shift from Virgo to Libra, from purification to an interlude, from earth to air, from the Mother to the scales of justice, balancing the heart against the lightness of a feather. 

ARIES: It’s a good time to consider the quality of your spiritual life. And how to be more caring and nurturing at work. Many variables, this and that, here and there, show up in your professional world for balancing. Visualize yourself confident and poised in the middle of all work realities. You may encounter a past situation. Be ethical at work; allow nothing to interfere with care and kindness. At home, it’s important for health reasons to rest more. In relationship, be the eternal flame.

TAURUS: Often you don’t know where your money is, where it’s coming from or when it will come again, and you think you should be more careful and for a moment you are (with money, finances, resources). And really you have more than you think but you’re holding onto things (from the past) that could now be used for other purposes. You talk sometimes about money. But usually, you’re silent. That’s lonely. Your relationship needs tending, too. And your storehouse.

GEMINI: Usually you speak in paradoxes, enigmas, parables, too – all displaying duality. You speak humorous metaphors, too, and sometimes (maybe ofttimes) people don’t understand you, your message (its meaning) or your humor. Many don’t understand Geminis. During and after Mercury retrograde times something different occurs. Your heart opens. We hear you speaking heart-felt words  – what you love and need, what inspires you, how you feel, whom you’re missing. It’s only for a moment. So, we’re listening carefully right now.

CANCER: This is either a time of spiritual insights, daily revelations, ghosts from the past, midnight reveries or days of confusion, bewilderment, puzzlement, mystification and uncertainty. Maybe all the above. Consider everything that appears as interesting and an opportunity for meanings and insights. In the meantime, assist family in ordering and organizing their lives so they can better navigate their future. No matter the circumstances be aware that you’ve always been “good enough.”

LEO: It’s important to acknowledge your instincts, your intelligence and your intuition. Three levels, three upward steps. It’s important to join with others who are able to see your many talents and gifts and vast knowledge, cultivated and experienced over years. It’s important to be recognized for your care of the kingdoms (land, soil, minerals, plants, animals, bees, humans, angels). Because you give of yourself to others, more resources and gifts become available. Venus is in your sign. Love happens.

VIRGO: Your life becomes both internally and externally busy. You need energy to meet demands made by Mars and Mercury, your rulers. Self-reliance, self-confidence and personal achievements will emerge in the coming weeks. Revelations appear if you identify yourself with the qualities of Ceres, the harvest maiden, tending to nature, planting bitter greens (parsley, chard, kale and arugula) and chrysanthemums. Preparing now for autumn.

LIBRA: Visiting both the past with the retrogrades which prepares us for the future you’re encouraged to be more spontaneous and radical than usual. You want everything to be new again. Off you go to places unfamiliar and unusual, where curious things occur and strangers become friends and a new endeavor appears, and history and travels (long and short distances) inspire you, and then you become more creative, and this stays around for a while. Then the tests appear. Stay attuned. We soon embark on a pilgrimage of forgiveness.

SCORPIO: So often you wonder what your goals are, what you would like in the future, what friends would be good for you, and what objectives you want accomplished in the near future. Whenever there’s an opportunity to be with others, step into that group, radiate your special mysterious charm and see what transformations occur. Whatever you desire and aspire to and for eventually appears. It’s an interesting Scorpio situation. It’s Scorpio magic. For best results, discern between wants and needs beforehand. And share.

SAGITTARIUS: Professionally you’ve been completing previous agendas and plans. So often, with such high hopes, wishes, dreams and visions, you have felt restricted, seeing no open road ahead. Other times, you experience joy and elation. Now a new impulse of creative energy comes forth. Inspiration for the new era. You may be asked to accomplish certain tasks, something important is offered or appears. Do not allow any power plays to be acted out. Don’t play the old game. Be inspired by beauty instead and creativity, travel, new vistas and most of all, a dream.

CAPRICORN: You wish you had the time for travel to unusual places and for new creative projects. However, due to family circumstances, there has been great emphasis on daily life at home, caring for others who may be ill, gathering family together, planning dinners and outings, and preparing loved ones to step into the world. You’re good at these things – educating and enlightening others. You want different experiences now. Know you are in an interim state. Things will change eventually. For now, prepare your Halloween garden.

AQUARIUS: Fun, happiness and pleasure are important aspects of daily life, especially when with friends. You know everyone, everyone knows you – everyone’s an acquaintance, everyone’s family. That’s the Aquarian task, to know all of humanity and to be their friend. There may be a concern about money. Know that all will be well if you are careful, buying only what is needed. Asking for what is needed allows others to give to you. You give in return. Giving with no thought of return is important. When we give, it’s returned to us tenfold.

PISCES: Multiple events occur along with upheavals, windfalls, feelings of joy and disappointment, stability, instability, wounds felt both hurting and healing. You may be disconcerted when remembering past actions. A way to heal this is to redo the event in your mind. Imagine what the event would have been like with Goodwill and Right Relations. Relationships feel conflictual, partners having different needs. Both sides have equal needs. Like a rainstorm, conflict cleanses and clears the air. Harmony emerging after conflict. Choose to see both sides. It takes courage. For often “we only know in part.” (Corinthians).