Esoteric Astrology as news for week October 26 – November 1, 2022


Time of Turning Inward, of Remembering – Mars Retro Part 2

On Sunday, Mars, the red planet, turns retrograde, beginning a 72-day reversal, offering humanity a time to turn inward to review and assess the past two year’s desires, aspirations, hopes, wishes, dreams and actions. As Mars retrogrades, it joins five other “lights” also retrograde (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Chiron).

In retrogrades we step back in time. Attempting to move forward, we take two steps back (or inward). In retrogrades we have insights, we are unable to assert ourselves easily, actions may be met with limitations or obstacles. It is not a time of outward actions, but inner contemplation. We may experience forced inaction. We follow through with long term plans but initiating new plans will not be successful. Outer organization may seem futile, patience is short to non-existing, repetition is best and staying power is needed. Nothing accelerates forward. Everything turns inward.

Retrogrades create a time of remembering for humanity and to a greater understanding. Retrogrades signal a time of rest for humanity. With everything turning inside out, upside down, our usual and expected day-to-day functioning ceases to exist. It’s subtle, yet it’s not. Life becomes unexpected and different.

Multiple retrogrades can create unease, tension and pressure upon humanity.

We can become irritated and out of sorts. Communication becomes miscommunication. Trying to move forward (Mars), we take two steps back. Memories flood us. Sadness sometimes, too. Our outer world seems confusing, our inner world seems transformed.

Let us consider this. If the entire world of humanity has turned inward, what happens to the outer world? Chaos ensues, conflicts, too. And then we remember.  Retrogrades are times to assess beliefs, actions, events, situations. A time to reassess, re-analyze, re-assemble, review, reorganize, reevaluate, reexamine, reconsider and revise. All the “r” words. Retrogrades help us change for the better.  

Mars is retrograde through January 12, 2023. Mars is our morning star until December 8 (Immaculate Conception) and then becomes our evening star (through September 2023). To add to the retrograde mix, on December 29, Mercury also retrogrades (24 degrees Capricorn). We will begin our new year with both Mercury and Mars retrograde. It should be an interesting new year ahead for each of us. Oh! It’s Halloween too, during the Mars retrograde! Perhaps the essence of each of us can finally be seen!  

ARIES: Communication, thoughts, ideas, perceptions, beliefs – all these will be assessed and reassessed. You will apologize if impatient, inappropriate or angry with others; assess short trips and directions, do walk-abouts in neighborhoods; talk with acquaintances and siblings and ponder upon how to get from here to there quickly. You can be irritated with certain opinions or belief systems. Notice as your mind slows down, a refreshing respite. Don’t try to force your ideas on anyone. You can strain social interactions if you don’t have Goodwill. Just be kind.

TAURUS: Be aware of finances, tend to possessions and resources, assess values and recognize what you actually do value. Understand where your money is going and pull back on spending if necessary. Future security becomes very important. If underpaid, assess what you are worth. It is important to have comfort during Mars retrograde. List all things required for comfort. This list will be valuable when Mars is direct. Tithe generously to those who assist you. What we give from the heart is always returned ten-fold… so we can give and give some more. And as we give, we too are given to. We are taken care of.

GEMINI: You may feel somewhat withdrawn, pulled back from the outer world, introspective. Reflective and contemplative. You may not assert yourself in usual ways or take the usual risks. Do not demand things of yourself or “push the river.” Everything is moving backward, upside down and turning inwards. This is a good time to find buried treasure within the self. Like old desires, hopes, wishes, aspirations. It is a time of refinement of all parts of the self. And a time to rest more. Patience becomes you.

CANCER: Things in your life tend to become more and more private, more spiritual. Your intuition will inform you of when you’re out of step, when you need more rest, when your health is on edge. Things that remained in the background – events, memories, people – suddenly appear. They will need careful tending. Usually, you’re not angry. Often after brooding over things, you become happy and carefree. However, during Mars retro, buried angers, hurts, and sadnesses materialize. Allow them, talk with them, let them flow through you. Know that all is well and that everything is just magic.

LEO: Hopes, wishes and dreams from the past will flicker like shadows in your mind and also in nightly dreams. You may consider reconnecting and/or renewing previous friendships or memberships and participation in certain groups. Reflection, not action, is most important during Mars retrograde. You will need patience during the retrograde weeks. It is not a time for decision making or initiating projects. Your North and South Nodes will activate a gathering of past gifts, walking then into the future. Life changes, opens like a lotus.

VIRGO: Thoughts and ideas concerning reputation, professional life, career ambitions and how you’re recognized in the world will appear so you can change or adjust plans, assessing your energy and goals. You will feel an inner responsibility to firm up and complete old projects and plans. For everyone, buried feelings of frustration and/or anger may erupt. You may want to offer forgiveness for previous unskillful actions and words. There is a call for practicality during these many retrograde weeks. You organize your time. You are a master of time.

LIBRA: So many things – your faith, wisdom, goals, philosophy of life, politics, travel and adventure will all be reviewed by the Mars retrograde. Ponder upon what actions produce Goodwill. You are to come from the heart of the matter. Always act within the principle of what is right, what serves others, what is the Good. Have enthusiasm for life. This then becomes inner joy. You will rework ideas, ways of servicing, helping others so Goodwill can emerge. Be aware of writing, publishing and things legal. Slow down to catch up with the love that underlies the happenings of the times.

SCORPIO: Intimacy, shared finances, marriage, in depth relationships will be examined during the many weeks of Mars retrograde. Intimacy becomes more complicated. Confidence in expressing yourself may wane. It’s most important to rightly manage power issues in relationships (all types). Is there a struggle with money, addiction, fears? A new perspective comes forth in the upcoming weeks. Allow the Soul to direct the personality. The Soul gives one right direction. Make the choice to laugh, enjoy and be happy with everyone and everything.

SAGITTARIUS: During Mars retrograde you consider the face you present to intimates. One’s energy is lessened, so we must approach events and people with a different focus – that of review and renewal. During this time, you may assess everything regarding intimate relationships and partnerships. We ask ourselves what do we want from our relationship, what do we give, what are we receiving? It’s good to consider the quality of love and commitment, if there is any hidden anger, and if we are bringing balance and harmony to our interactions. This is most important work. Everything is relationship.

CAPRICORN: The Mars retrograde is felt both directly and yet subtly. It creates a constant state of challenge and testing. Whereas Capricorn can be quite thoughtful and disciplined, Mars is wild, passionate and can be out of control. Therefore, this time could be quite intense. There will be many revelations and inspirations. During the retrograde, care of health and daily activities are the focus. It is good to assess daily rhythms, energy reserves, diet, liquid intake and overall health. Do not push yourself. Attempt to reorganize your environments (inner and outer). Live daily life simply, easily, lovingly and purely.

AQUARIUS: The Mars retrograde reminds us of childhood, of entertainment in your life, of hobbies, past romances, and most of all your creativity. It is good during the coming weeks to play more, find time for leisure and perhaps, if available, a love affair (that won’t last). You may discover yourself in the midst of a romance, a creative activity or part of a child’s life. You may continue to have a feeling of being stuck or in a sort of purgatory. An old project no longer interests you. Wait a while when unsure. Refocus, back track, rest, renew and do all to restore yourself to greater health.

PISCES: Home, family, security, safety, things domestic, food, gardens, nourishment and nurturance at all levels and a sense of one’s foundation all call you to attention during the Mars retrograde. Projects begun before the retrograde will slow down. Past emotional issues, if not dealt with beforehand, come up for review, revision, and closure. Check the home for needed repairs, fix what needs attention, remove what is not used or needed. Home life, after the retrograde will feel renewed, more bountiful. You will have new ideas about how to nourish yourself and others. Slow and steady is good. Beauty too. Sow some new winter seeds in the garden.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist, Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric& esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays & Raja Yoga meditation. Email: studies posted on our website. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview