Esoteric Astrology as news for week Oct. 14 – 20


Mercury Retrograde – Inner Direction

Mercury, the planet that clarifies thinking, observing, deciding and making intelligent choices, etc., turned retrograde on Tuesday (Oct. 13) in Scorpio (sign of the Nine Tests & the call to Discipleship). And as if providence will step in with direct instructions for humanity, Mercury will actually turn stationary direct on Election Day (Nov. 3), in Libra (sign of making a life-changing choice, of Right Relations and the Rule of Law). 

Mercury retrograde is like Virgo. It offers us inner direction. When we turn inward we are able to clearly assess what our tasks are and bring order and organization to our choices. We are able to perceive how to act with intentions of Goodwill and how to choose more clearly harmony and balance. Mercury retrograde informs us what and why things aren’t what they seem. During this Mercury retrograde humanity is to assess who we will be voting for? And why?

Mercury itself rules contracts and agreements. Although we are advised to not make important final decisions or sign anything during Mercury retrograde, during this Mercury retrograde we are forced to make one of the most important decisions of our lifetimes and that of our country. Who will be President of the United States of America and the world leader?

Mercury retro gives us the opportunity for reflective contemplative thinking, reorganizing our thoughts, redoing and reassessing. We don’t suspend our lives nor do we (mis)use the Mercury retrograde to excuse behaviors. Instead, we adapt to turning inward, and live intelligently with the knowledge of a retrograde’s purpose. It is a gift to us. Retrogrades signal that we are to gather and review all past information and allow the data to be either eliminated or integrated for their usefulness.

Let us, during this Mercury retro in Scorpio (returning to Libra) invoke the truth of what matters. May we be inspired with Right Choice, seeing the essential meaning behind freedom, liberty, voting and the elections. May we choose the candidate who stands under and for the Will-to-Good for all of humanity. We are the ones who will choose. What a profound and sacred task we have been given! 

ARIES: It’s possible you will review something from the past that was a deep loss – a person, resource, marriage, an intimacy. Review this loss and turn it around. Make it a gift, a power received, something of great value to you. Review your desires and aspirations. Do you know the difference? Ask everyone around what they value in you. You learn new things about yourself. A new identity comes forth.

TAURUS: You will ponder upon new, very different, more inclusive ways of communicating. You will realize that you must listen now with curiosity and penetrating questions (instead of solving problems) when others speak. With deep listening great insights occur for both listener and speaker. Search for ways to have more trust. Then you can reveal the sterling truths about yourself without fear. Then you can love more, too.

GEMINI: Care for and nurture your health in all ways, from morning till night. Make this your priority. Begin with morning exercise before eating. Move onto fresh juices (celery, cucumber, apple), green smoothies (almond milk, kale, lemon, parsley, apple, pear, barley grass). Make cilantro pesto. Eat an avocado a day. Something, both dissolving and refining, occurs with your health. Seek to understand a partner’s sorrows. Listen & observe. Maintain quiet.

CANCER: You will consider what in the past brought you joy, what helped you be creative, and what allowed you to feel enthusiasm. You will see how you’ve become more than you thought possible. Non-verbal ways of expressing yourself are more appropriate now. Spend the most time in gardens, museums, places filled with art, creativity and beauty. Explore forests, wild areas where the devas live. Nature is the most balanced of kingdoms. Your natural self comes forth.

LEO: You may see family and friends from the past, perhaps from childhood. Family may seek to include you in celebrations, attempting to relive their past – a past you have set aside. You remember younger years, when you were free and wandering, when the light you lived under came only from the sky, sun and stars. You sense impressions from the past seeking new interpretations. Plant blue and violet morning glories inside and out.

VIRGO: Over and over the same thoughts and ideas travel through your mind. You want to discover all aspects of a puzzle, attempting to put it together. Thoughts and dreams and clouds of information appear, but you are unable to decipher many of them. In this unusual silence, your eyes see more than ever before. It’s as if your senses shifted. As one sings, the other doesn’t. Seek to understand everyone’s truths. Let them stand equally with your truths. Everything flowers.

LIBRA: When you look around your home, living, working and garden environments, you realize you’ve come to love, appreciate and value all different sorts of realities. They each offer a specific calmness and orderliness that you need. They soothe your spirit and provide your life with daily context. They relieve anxiety. You realize you’ve had this all along, since birth. The change has occurred within. Have gratitude for the past. It built your present.

SCORPIO: Over the next several weeks and a bit beyond you assess your self-image. Not what others think of you but what you think of yourself. And then you begin to create a new image. No longer an outer persona, but one more in depth to be presented to the world. You no longer need to veil, arm or protect a self that’s no longer real. You are more and more authentic. There’s nothing to lose, nothing to gain. You’re the Buddha on the road. 

SAGITTARIUS: Sorrows and sadness from the past seek a new state of gladness to replace them. All thoughts begin to be clothed in compassion. There’s no longer the question of why. There’s only the feeling of goodness, that life’s precious and paradox is acceptable. You will walk through a door in the next several weeks. You will open that door and then shut it behind you. You will see a mountain with ascending light. You glimpse your life ahead. It’s important to have good shoes for the journey.

CAPRICORN: During this retrograde time, be very aware of new insights, revelations and new understandings appearing quietly and subtly at the most unexpected time. All previous experiences, especially sadness, coalesce into new states of knowledge. An old friend makes contact; strange twists and turns of relationships begin to ease. Defeat becomes triumph. Speak your mind with truth at all times. Allow others to adapt to you. Frustration turns to opportunity. The voice of the artist calls to you.

AQUARIUS: You don’t allow any glamorous nonsense to be in your life and environments. You only want practical and ease to travel. Everything seems to be changing every moment. This sense of change will continue. You will seek stability wherever you find it. New revelations occur. New thinking. Use all of these in your work and present them to the world. Allow others to respond and exteriorize whatever is in them. You know your path. It’s always the surprising unusual view. Community calls. You are a server, serving those in need.

PISCES: Up till now you’ve had a firm grasp of what you want in your future. This will change in the coming months. You will accept where you are and the situations and environments you are in. An old dilemma becomes a great Truth. A philosophy is differently interpreted and you cherish it like a golden apple, a golden coin. Old friends drop away seeking a different path. Your work expands. You build within the crystal square. Standing in the diamond light. 

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays. Email: Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages) All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview