Esoteric Astrology as news for week Nov. 24 – 30


Festivals of Gratitude & Giving & Beginning Festivals of Light 

The Sun took leave of Scorpio last Sunday (November 21) and entered Sagittarius, sign of silence, simplicity, good food, music and the tarot card of Temperance. Thanksgiving is this Thursday, Nov. 25. And the Festivals of light, Hanukkah and Advent, begin Sunday, Nov. 28. So many choices, so many events to celebrate, lighting our lights in the darkness.

Turkey, corn (or maize), pumpkins and cranberry sauce represent the first Thanksgiving foods. In 1988, a Thanksgiving ceremony took place at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine (NYC). More than four thousand people gathered on Thanksgiving night. Invited were Native American tribes from all over the country and descendants of ancestors who had migrated to the New World. The ceremony was a public acknowledgment of the “First people’s role in the first thanksgiving that occurring 355 years ago.” 

This year’s Thanksgiving Sun & Mercury are in Sagittarius (love of food and music) with Leo Moon. Leo asks us to offer praise and recognition to all those around us. As we do this, coupled with gratitude for all that we have, our Thanksgiving begins to be filled with unexpected blessings.  

Reminding ourselves what is Gratitude? A good question to ponder upon during this season.  Quote on Gratitude – from the Tibetan Teacher Djwhal Khul (paraphrased). “Gratitude is a scientific and occult releasing agent. It is a service. Gratitude releases us from the past and directs us toward a future path – to the new culture and civilization and to the rising light of Aquarius, the Age of humanity, of friendship, freedom and equality. The Hierarchy lays great emphasis upon gratitude.” 

Hanukkah and Advent begin Nov. 28. Advent means “something’s coming.” Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights. Sunday night we light the first Advent candle (violet candle) and the first Hanukkah candle (eight candles for eight nights). This night (Sunday) begins continuous nights of candle lighting until Christmas – bringing light to humanity in the darkness of the Kali Yuga , offering hope and promise to a thirsty world. 

A few questions to ponder: What will we each bring to the Thanksgiving table? What foods? What beauty? What gratitudes? What blessings? What thankfulness? 

ARIES: It’s most important to find a state of quiet, solitude and retreat because there’s such an accelerated onrush of activity, ideas and ideals, a desire to travel and discover new realities, all important for your well-being. Since the lunar eclipse, things from the past, items, people may be missed. It’s a time to renew values, bring forth a sense of justice, be aware of what’s occurring in the world, and how to aid humanity’s endeavors in building the new society. What are your creative visions?

TAURUS: You continue to tend to the well-being of others. Sometimes you don’t remember to care for yourself. You are a vital resource and if you as a resource are not rested, cared for and tended well enough, you can no longer be a resource for others. New impressions, thoughts, ideas for the new reality continue to appear. Their manifestation into form has been elusive. The new world is coming forth as the new physics. In the new Aquarian art, too.

GEMINI: It’s most important to reflect upon what your relationships are based upon. Include all relationships, from childhood on, but begin with your most intimate. Consider what you take for granted, what’s not understood, what allows you to be most truthful and what is occurring around health, happiness and combined values? A new path appears and a new message too about relationship. You must listen quietly and perceptively. Goodwill creates Right Relations.

CANCER: Your idea of a schedule suddenly disappeared, and you find yourself with no routines, agendas, plans or how to decipher, how to organize daily events. Anything you’ve thought of doing simply melts into states of chaos. Do not fret though. Chaos is the first step towards a new harmony though harmony’s not manifesting for a while. The best thing to do is to prepare nourishing and nurturing foods for self and others. Receive it as goodness from heaven. You are that.

LEO: The past year has been considerably serious and structured for the purpose of ongoing discipline and training. There will come a time of respite for you – a state of ease, amusement, recreation, children, pleasure, creativity, games, fun, enjoyment and being with others who think as you do – like-minded people. Is a previous relationship in your thoughts?  We often think of the past when it’s time to forgive, to renew, or to create a rapprochement. Life is always in rhythm with the stars. You are a star.

VIRGO: Family and parents, the foundations of your life, childhood beliefs learned while young and carried into the present time all may be on your mind. They come on little cat’s feet or in the hoot of an owl for the purpose of cleansing, clearing, and eliminating what’s no longer useful. Be aware that moodiness, brooding, and perhaps intense feelings will arise. Assess these with intelligence and careful observation. They too will pass.

LIBRA: It’s good to be in touch with siblings, to communicate, have conversations with them, sharing news, family gossip, hopes, wishes, dreams and ideas. Be aware that even when doing so, thoughts, ideas and feelings may be difficult, and information may be misunderstood or misconstrued. Communicate anyway with the intention to make contact, which releases Love. Libra is always about bringing harmony to whatever is around them. Have you begun holiday preparations yet?

SCORPIO: The entire world’s in a state of reorientation, a state you know well for you experience this daily. It’s an endless phoenix-like situation for Scorpios. Our world is in a Scorpio state of transformation, being tested, suffering, the old ways dying away so a new Aquarian world can come forth. Your importance in this great shift is in your research abilities, seeking then sharing information to build new culture and civilization. What are your present tasks? What are your resources being used for?  

SAGITTARIUS: Finally, we have come back to Sagittarius. Each year at this time is an opportunity to redefine yourself, your identity, goals, plans and purpose. You’re able to change your mind about who you (think you) are and how you see yourself. Be aware that your presence is very impactful to others around you. Issues you thought were complete, reappear for review before they fall away. A new rhythm is appearing. Food, travel, journeys, justice and music are your safeguards. Remain within them for a while. 

CAPRICORN: You may feel like you are behind a curtain in a theatre, waiting in the wings for new realities to appear. It’s like planting a winter garden of wintergreens – arugula, kales, chard, mustard greens, onions, thyme, oregano, parsley – waiting each day for the first green shoots. Everything in our world is being restructured. You feel this and thus are part of the new ways. Quietly new roots of the new reality anchor, become strong, and later reshape your life. All of our lives. You are one of the leaders.

AQUARIUS: In the following days and weeks seek to discover who your true friends are, what groups support your endeavors and whom you can turn to for nurturance, needs and kind rapport. So much of humanity remains mis-informed. You have the ability to provide humanity with questions that allow them access to think and then find real answers. You become part of the education of humanity. You will assess your life’s journey. When traveling, follow scrupulously the rules of the road. For safety and companionship.

PISCES: So many ideas appear these days – writing a book, publishing, clothing design, house building, greenhouse construction. Consider these ideas without making final decisions. Acknowledgements and recognitions may come forth unexpectedly. But misunderstanding too. Careful with communication and miscommunication to and with the public. Tend to previous tasks and be careful of your public image. You will continue to work with focused consistency. Each day you are grateful. Then grateful some more. 

Risa – writer, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director
The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute
a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology & the Seven Rays.

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Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  –The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview