Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 31 – June 6, 2023


Gemini Festival of Goodwill, of Humanity & World Invocation Day   

The third Spring Festival, that of Gemini is Saturday, June 3, at the time of the full moon. Each new and full moon festival is occult in nature, hiding deep esoteric truths about the true nature and salvage of humanity.  

Gemini is the sign of receiving and distributing. The Gemini Festival gathers the Light, Love and Will of God and distributes it to humanity in the form of Goodwill. This Goodwill enters the hearts and minds of humanity to harmonize world conditions. The Lord of Love (Christ, called Maitreya in the East) presides over this distribution of Love/Wisdom while preaching the last sermon of the Buddha to those assembled for the festival.

Gemini, as the third sign of the zodiac, completes the triangle of Aries (divine ideas), Taurus (will to good), Gemini (will to love) and creates a field of unification for humanity. The Gemini festival is also called World Invocation Day (the prayer The Great Invocation is the mantram of direction and healing for humanity), Festival of Humanity and Goodwill Day. This festival creates a deep aspiration within humanity towards human and spiritual harmony, unifying all peoples, all nations, all cultures, East and West. During the Gemini Festival, the Forces of Reconstruction stream into humanity, ushering in an era of pronounced creative activity and will bring about the rebuilding of the tangible world upon the new lines. This the total destruction of the old forms will necessitate.

Gemini is one of the more important of the twelve signs and its unifying influence lies behind all the signs (little known & realized by most) because the Ray 2 of Love-Wisdom pours through Gemini. Thus, the occult teaching that “love underlies the entire universe … all happenings, all events, all peoples.”

This underlying love of Deity, love originating from Sirius, reaches our solar system through Gemini and flows into the hearts and minds of humanity everywhere. “From the center which we call humanity, let the Plan of Love and Light work out, and may it seal the door where evil dwells. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti.”

ARIES: A revolutionary idea, dream or vision, held long within your heart and mind, is precipitating down into form and matter. It’s about to manifest. The next several years, which seems a long time but truly is only a blink of God’s eyes, brings forth what you’ve needed, longed for and hoped would occur. Through persistence you will love this vision/dream into existence. Then you are to share it.

TAURUS: You never lose your vision or knowledge of the tasks you’re called to perform. No matter what occurs -–surprising events, losses, people, ideas and hopes falling away (why? you ask) – know that “love underlies all happenings of the times.” That love isn’t from a person but from the greater realities guiding our lives. You’re to focus now only on the present. Choices (and events) made during this past no longer have life. Only the creative tasks of the present are real.

GEMINI: Happy Birthday, Gemini. Your thoughts, ideas and communications clarify somewhat though not completely. This last month it felt as if everything mental deserted your ability to be understood. It’s as if Mercury remained behind the scenes. Misinterpretations slowly turn around, ideas become clarified and long-lost friends may call. For the next month much remains obscure in order that you spiritualize all actions. Notice how you keep much to yourself these days.

CANCER: You think about, ponder upon and consider goals for the coming months. They’re connected to expectations, ideals, and how you want your life to be. Previous goals, ideals and expectations, having served you well, are now disappearing. Life has changed so radically in the past three years that newer and freer points of view are now forming. This is also due to influences by friends, colleagues, family and those younger than you. Amidst all of this, maintain a regular daily routine of hope and happiness.

LEO: Your creative acts, abilities and expressions are most important now. These actually constitute your real life (no matter your profession). They (creative acts) are closest to your heart, and they define the qualities and gifts that best will assist others in the unfolding Aquarian Age. If you continue with your creative expressions, your life’s purpose is revealed. What studies, new or old, must you now initiate? Greater mastery is yours should you pursue your true heart’s desires. Ponder on this.

VIRGO: You are thinking deeply so you can have a wider perspective. Mortality (the idea of death, what that means and the reality of life after death) is something you will think about in the coming months. This is a healthy (scholarly) response to the present changes occurring on our planet. There’s an underground, non-verbal, non-externalized river of communication occurring between you and others. Fill and charge (through visualization) the waters with love.

LIBRA: This is a special time to communicate and explain to intimates (family, friends, lover, partners, etc.) thoughts and ideas that deeply concern you and explain clearly the choices you’ve made. Do not enter unassisted into anything new. It’s best to have another’s mind and heart and state of consciousness with you to provide perspective. This helps you clarify, choose, and accomplish more than if alone. Discuss everything. You need more love and care. This comes from open communication. Ask for what you want and need.

SCORPIO: Most of us think we have free will. We do, somewhat and to an extent. We can choose what we do each day. We can choose how we behave. We can think about where to live and who we want to live with. But really there’s a greater reality overlighting us. It’s best to be more fluid, to know we have very little free choice, and to discover what that greater reality is that hovers over, surrounds, and penetrates our little lives. Make its acquaintance. We can choose to love.

SAGITTARIUS: Great opportunities seem to be moving toward you in their own time and place. Be aware of this. However, don’t expect anything in particular. Be surprised. That’s a paradox, I know, but it’s true and real and practical. Listen to all communications, from yourself and to and from others, assessing their communications carefully. Messages could wound, uplift, destroy, deny or be a refuge (sangha). This latter is greatly needed by everyone at this time. Which will (can) you choose to offer?

CAPRICORN: In your daily (successful, ambitious, creative, caring) life of service, you might find yourself in two places at once. Your mind here and your body over there somewhere. This is the Gemini experience in the daily life of a Capricorn (at this time, not forever). You attempt to bring a synthesis to this duality. Amidst the constant changing events, amidst the vicissitudes and instability of our present times, you find poise, balance and harmony. This is the Soul. Call upon it each moment if in distress or overwhelmed. It responds immediately.

AQUARIUS: It’s best to be among the young and playful, the innocent and childlike, the romantic and creative. Then you will become all of these, too, and discover new outlets of art and creativity and interests. You’ll see things in a newer, more golden light and your imagination will flow outward making your entire life a place of happiness and joy. Often you are toiling among questions. At this time, just be the artist and futurist that you’re called to be. The new era depends on you to bring all things new forth.

PISCES: Know that everyone and everything in your environments supports you. Display your trust in them and show your gratitude to them for being in your life at this very moment and all the moments to come. Something’s coming to an end. A new life will be built from the remains of the old – a new community that creates the foundation for newer and greater achievements. Bid the past farewell. It served its purposes well. Now you have new road to travel on and new promises to keep.

Risa – writer, educator, teacher, psychological-spiritual counselor, mentor, astrologer & esotericist

Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College, a contemporary Wisdom School (center for spiritual discourse & study) for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of exoteric & esoteric Astrology, the Seven Rays, Theosophy, Esotericism, all religions, art, science & Raja Yoga meditation. Astrological, esoteric, day-to-day news – art, literature, psychology, the cosmos, consciousness, philosophy, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism. 

Recognition of the unique value of every living being expresses itself in reverence for life, compassion for all, sympathy with the need of all individuals to find truth for themselves, and respect for all religious traditions.  ~The Esoteric & Theosophical Worldview