Esoteric Astrology as news for week July 25 – 31, 2018


A Long Retrograde Season & Time of Remembering

In this last week of July, with Sun in Leo (I am by what I create), humanity is experiencing seven retrogrades – Mercury (communication, thinking), Mars (action), Saturn (restructuring), Neptune (spiritualizing), Pluto (transforming), Vesta (the self as a newly discovered reality, the fire within), and Chiron (the wound leading to suffering leading to awareness leading to healing leading to understanding).

Retrogrades create a time of remembering for humanity. In October (Oct. 5 – Nov. 16) Venus retrogrades (in Libra) and Mercury, too (in Sag). By the 2nd week of December, the retrograde season is over.

What is a “retrograde season” and how do we respond? A season is a cluster of months (spring, summer, autumn, winter). When retrogrades occur, it signals a time of rest for humanity, a moving inward. Everything turns inside out, upside down, the usual day to day becomes the unexpected and different.

Multiple retrogrades can create unease, tension and pressure upon humanity.

We can become irritated and out of sorts. Communication (Mercury) becomes miscommunication. Moving forward (Mars), takes us two steps back. Memories flood us. Sadness sometimes, too. We remember what hurts (Chiron). And how we have hurt others. Some return to church (Neptune) or to drugs/alcohol (unskillful level of Neptune). We seek love and harmony (Venus), but it’s unavailable. Our entire world seems transformed (Pluto). And it is.

Let us consider this. If the entire world of humanity (98%) has turned inward, what happens to the outer world? Chaos ensues, conflicts, too. And then we remember.  Retrogrades are times to assess past actions, events, situations. A time to reassess, reanalyze, reassemble, review, reorganize, reevaluate, reexamine, reconsider and revise. All the “r” words. Retrogrades help us change. In the night sky, through August, we can actually see Mars. It’s the red “star” in the sky.

ARIES: Mars is what propels you. It’s is your physical energy. During this time, you may experience interactions slowing down, not working in ways expected. It’s good to understand retrogrades. Because there can be anger and frustration. It’s good to allow setbacks to be taken in stride. And to know different opportunities will be offered. When interruptions occur at work, just refocus and review everything. Something from the past becomes important.

TAURUS: The task for Hercules in the sign of Cancer was to lift up instincts and intellect to the intuition; holding intuition close to the heart. Your intuition is very keen. You are able to sense the false, deceptive and unreal. Things you planned on doing may experience setbacks. Simply reorient yourself to a different agenda. One that changes day to day. Review previous studies, cultural interests and important goals. Do you have the same aspirations?

GEMINI: During retrogrades our enthusiasm for interactions in the world slows down. Life becomes an internal drama, we’re more cautious, we question more, we wonder about past choices and should we redo them? We want to refine and perfect, refocus and review, reorganize and reorder. Especially our old ways of thinking and old beliefs. Money and communication with intimates can become complicated. Look at finances once, twice, three times. Review everything.

CANCER: Finances, insurance, shared resources – all these may need to be explored once again. Review all previous transactions. Fix what’s broken. And don’t allow any buried anger to surface and hurt others. Have the intention to manage emotions with equanimity and poise. Communication may be difficult. Something may become an obsession. Reassess how you approach relationships. Find ways to have more kindness, less protection under your shell. Reach out and touch the heart of everything.

LEO: You may be looking deep within the self, assessing communications in past relationships. Nothing is clear or direct. There is such a focus upon the past that the present doesn’t seem to exist. Assessing one’s behavior within relationships is important at this time. Relationships with everything, not just lovers. This is very important inner work. Daily schedules and agendas may change. Notice setbacks, hindrances. Work around them with agility and poise. You’re always the leader.

VIRGO: You may feel less than enthused about your present daily life. Projects and routines may have lost their luster. Work may seem difficult, unexciting. Expressing the self may be frustrating. It’s a good time to re-organize all levels of everyday life. Experiment with different time schedules, ways of eating, exercise, walks and chats in the garden. Notice any anxieties, confusion, preoccupations or changes of heart.

LIBRA: It’s time to return to your artistic abilities, a creative project previously put away. Time to reconsider leisure, work, travel and creative self-identity. Time to consider new approaches to interactions with friends, groups and your future. Are you questioning something? Remembering will produce feelings, deep and complicated. There could be exhaustion, too. It’s time also to rest more. Giving you time to contemplate, to ponder, to understand more and to forgive.

SCORPIO: All Scorpios are deeply affected by Mars and Mercury retrogrades. Mars brings the Nine Tests of Discipleship. And Mercury informs Scorpio (especially) to be careful of thoughts and words, which either create or destroy. In the meantime things around the home begin to have a life of their own. Breakdowns may occur, things long waiting to be fixed won’t wait anymore. Family situations occur, emotional issues from the past appear. Siblings call needing help. Daily routines aren’t anymore. No matter the situation, carry on, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS: Here are the areas of life that may be affected in some ways. Observe them. And go on your way. Creativity, recreation, pleasure, children, hobbies, love affairs, enthusiasm, creative projects, leisure. Or perhaps ideas, thoughts, self-expression, social interactions, communication, moneymaking and security. In all these things, one after another, something may occur that makes you rethink past actions. You will revise some things, eliminate many others. In between times use mantras to reorganize your thinking.

CAPRICORN: Is the issue of money or resources up for discussion? Do you feel that you are a resource for your family and friends? Things may come quite up close and personal. Emotions may be volatile. Are you responding or reacting? What needs refining, reorganizing, rethinking and/or repaired? What is creating frustration? What are you concerned about and need answers for? Is there a need to redo or coordinate something? What initiatives do you want to put into place after the retrogrades?

AQUARIUS: It’s important to realize that everything you have done has been perfect. And according to plan. Aquarians are sometimes hard on themselves, thinking they don’t do enough, aren’t enough of something. They worry a lot, too. However, it’s important to know that Aquarians are quite different than most of humanity. Aquarians come from another star system, from the future. They don’t perform or accomplish things like the rest of humanity. They have different tasks altogether. Aquarius, you’re perfect.

PISCES: You’re hidden away for a while, Pisces. As it should be. It’s time for resting more, contemplating the future, reaffirming dreams or letting them go. Something has changed in your work. A new level of study has appeared after many months of preparation. It’s important to tend to health now, to assess what’s needed for your wellbeing. Focus on the little things that make up each day. Accomplish each task with order and strive to do your very best. One’s best is better than perfect.

Risa – writer, teacher, counselor, mentor, astrologer, esotericist. Founder & Director of The Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School for the Ageless Wisdom teachings. The foundations of the Teachings are the study & application of Astrology  & the Seven Rays. Email:  Web journal: Facebook: Risa D’Angeles & Risa’s Esoteric Astrology (2 FB pages) All FB messages are posted on NLN (website) – under Daily Studies. Astrological, esoteric, day to day news – art, literature, psychology, history, religion, economics, geography & cultural journalism.