Dropping a Line


It is always good to visit your Mama, especially if your Mom buys you a fishing trip for your birthday like June Rust from Holiday Island did for her son, Jim Rust, who came to visit from Oceanside, California.

We put in at Beaver Dam Monday morning and Jim had his limit of three stripers within an hour. We caught one on a shad and the other two on 5-inch shiners set down between 30 and 40 feet deep in water close to 60 feet deep.

We also went out at Holiday Island for an evening trip on the cool waters coming out of the dam. We found the schools of shad running on top with big schools of white bass busting the top, but could not get to the fish before they went back down.

We tried some minnows but caught nothing, so we went to trolling flicker shad and ended up with a white bass and a small walleye before we lost the sun. Think we need to start the afternoon trips closer to noon as long as they keep turning in the generators at 11.

Well, that’s about it for this week. Look for crappie in the treetops about 12 feet deep. Bass off the bluffs in the deeper water. Be safe this Holiday Weekend and enjoy it with a kid.        

On another note, whoever dumped the boat full of your trash on the gravel point next to the Holiday Island bridge, I got some good pics of it along with serial number and registration numbers which has been shared with the Arkansas Corps of Engineers. Please respect our waters and don’t litter.