Double standards



So the Eureka High School Principal Gilmore and Superintendent Pruitt “investigated” Penny Pemberton’s use of the F-word before they quickly fired this women’s volleyball coach? It sounds like they both had knee jerk reactions and did not adequately appreciate the commitment and care Penny gave to the team. And, it takes two paid men to replace her?

Please don’t tell me that there is no discrimination here. It is called Lesbophobia, a toxic mixture of misogyny (woman hatred) and homophobia (fear of gay people). As a lifelong lesbian (now almost 82 years old), I have much experience with Lesbophobia. Of course, none of the males will admit to having any prejudice.

I ask the right-wingers: have you heard your President’s language? Or heard of his slurs against women, his “affairs” and his “hush payments?” You don’t seem to want to fire him.

Penny Pemberton is a good woman and an excellent coach. I am shocked that this one “offense” is reason to fire a fine, unpaid volunteer.

T.A. Laughlin