Dear Editor, Community, market friends,


This letter is going out to all of you as I have found the courage to write it.

Most of you know me well. I started our farmers market 14 years ago, and raised my family here. I have been an organic farmer for 23 years, starting 3 farms. I created a no-till system where my soil has thrived without being impacted by the brunt of mechanical tillers or other machines. And I trained many new and existing farmers and gardeners along the way.

Then I failed. I failed you and I failed myself. I have broken a rule of organic farming. I have used Round Up, an herbicide (weed-killer) used on conventional farms to control weeds, but forbidden in organic agriculture. I did it punctually and rarely, on small patches of intruding, hard to get rid of, weeds like Bermuda grass. Otherwise, we routinely use mulch and hand pulling to control weeds. Round Up was not sprayed on any of the food crops, but it was sprayed on the farm nonetheless.

My heart is broken knowing I let myself, my family, and my community down. I apologize to all of you.

Patrice Gros

Foundation Farm


  1. Not being a strictly organic gardener them myself, this is not a really big deal to me. I think the main issue is hypocrisy. That said, it’s very refreshing to see someone own up to and be honest about their own failings. From everything I know, Patrice is a good guy and has definitely done for more good for the community than this one instance could erase. None of us are perfect and I can forgive this because he is been honest about it.


  2. Patrice,

    I was moved by your letter – in my opinion, you have done your best, led by example and helped our community

    No one is perfect, be kind to yourself

    Hope to visit with you at the Farmers Market, the heart of Eureka Springs


  3. Patrice, surely our great creator will forgive you in the aggregate. In the short-term, may your yard be covered in comfrey, and your heart rate remain steady and true. As to any ‘pending’ karmic issues, half-price on the delectable French banquet is surely one course of action you might use. 🙂

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