County call count at Holiday Island


Dep. Aaron Ingle stated at Monday’s meeting that in the month of August there were 136 total calls for county sheriff’s office service in Holiday Island; 13 traffic stops, five accidents, four alarm calls, seven civil calls, three domestic violence calls, seven harassment calls, six reckless drivers, 1 stolen/recovered vehicle, they made two felony arrests and three misdemeanor arrests. Ingle said the majority of speeding tickets/traffic stops were on Holiday Island Drive.

Final items

In the Manager’s report, Lawrence Blood said his staff has sent out notices of election to all the property owners including timeshare owners.

The completed 2019 financial audit will be expected by the next meeting. “We’re making a lot of progress,” Blood said about improved water loss rates indicating the rates dropped from 83 percent in January to 74 percent in June, 66 percent in July, and 64 percent in August. 

Blood said he pursued the payroll protection program through the CARES Act and because HISID is not a city government, they do not qualify for current government sponsored Covid relief. 

Commissioners unanimously approved a request by Kolin Paulk of KP’s Dock Service, the current marina operator, to engage in discussion of a two-year lease agreement of Parcel K for an outdoor “hangout” for family and pets. Paulk stated that in the absence of a Yacht Club, the marina could use a family-friendly location with a food truck. Paulk said Parcel K is a decently large space good for socially distanced dining and outdoor drinking. Paulk stated he would like to make a leveled path to the restrooms and tie into the power at the restrooms.

Commissioners whose terms expire this year are Bill Noonan and Nita Holley. The nomination meeting will be held on Monday, Oct. 19 at 6 p.m. at the District Office where any property owner may make a nomination. Nominees must be resident property owners and cannot nominate themselves. Early voting for HISID commissioners begins Nov. 16 and the election will be held on Dec. 1.