Council Wrap-up


Chair Susan Tharp said her commission got a grant to apply to have the Eureka Springs Cemetery entered on the National Historical Registry. They are creating a database which will allow them to cross-reference existing information and identify available spaces more easily. They have been updating the database block-by-block. They have also been leveling spots where the ground sank, and removing dead trees.

Tharp said one of their goals is to transfer duties of the superintendent, currently performed by the Chair, to the groundskeeper, which would mean more hours and a salary upgrade. She hoped council would consider her request in the next budget.

Building Inspector report

Building Inspector Bobby Ray said lately he has been reassessing sidewalks around town and will be notifying those responsible for necessary repairs. He also spoke with the Historic District Commission about establishing a fine schedule for violations.

Ray said he has issued 19 warnings this year under the Clean City Ordinance, and ten were resolved. The others involve major issues, and he’s working with the owners to get needed repairs done.

There are eight other properties he will add to the list, and some of the owners do not live here, which presents a problem getting needed repairs done. Ray said the Clean City Ordinance states the city would make repairs on properties in which the owners were out of town or unreachable, and he urged council to consider establishing a fund for handling this obligation.

End of the night

  • Bob Jasinski told council he had problems with the changes to Code proposed by the Planning Commission. He said Code was written by attorneys and should not be left to amateurs, although he encouraged Planning to look further into regulating vacation rentals. He commented Airbnb would pay not only current, but back taxes owed to the city.
  • Council voted to reseat Steve Holifield to the Historic District Commission.
  • Aldermen approved Resolution 719 that authorizes the mayor to negotiate and execute a parking lot lease with the county, and Resolution 720, which authorizes the mayor to negotiate and execute a lease agreement for office space in the courthouse.

Next meeting will be Monday, Dec. 11, at 6 p.m., in the Auditorium lobby. There will be a workshop Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 3 p.m., in the Auditorium lobby to discuss the Americans with Disabilities Assessment.