Council might appoint new alderman


At the Dec. 11 meeting alderman David Mitchell said because alderman Peg Adamson submitted her resignation from city council effective the end of the year, he wanted City Attorney Tim Weaver to explain the process for selecting a replacement. Alderman Kristi Kendrick pointed out Adamson had submitted her resignation but council had not formally accepted it, to which alderman Terry McClung responded that Adamson still had time to retract her resignation.

Weaver said council must first declare a vacancy, if there is one, at the Jan. 8 meeting, then vote on a replacement at the Jan. 22 meeting. Anyone who wanted to fill Adamson’s seat must be a registered voter who resides in Ward 2.

He said there is no application to fill out, a candidate simply needs to notify either the mayor’s office, the city clerk or the receptionist, of interest in serving on council. There is no set procedure for whom to contact to make civic aspirations known.

McClung said it would be prudent for anyone interested in the seat to appear at the Jan. 22 meeting to speak of their qualifications, to which alderman Mickey Schneider pointed out that some aldermen were going to be away during parts of January, so council did not need to rush. She said the Feb. 12 meeting would be just as good as January for making a selection.