Council gives Carter thumbs up


Alderman Bill Ott motioned at the July 26 city council meeting to defer renewal of Jeff Carter to Pos. 1 of the City Advertising and Promotion Commission until the lawsuit between CAPC staff and the commission was finished. Alderman Autumn Slane seconded the motion with alderman Terry McClung joining the two in a Yes vote, but the motion failed with a tie of 3-3 with Berry noting that the motion failed, and a heated debate began.

Alderman LauraJo Smole said that despite the lawsuit, business has to continue as usual. Ott argued that Carter would remain in his position but that the council’s vote would be left until the finality of the lawsuit. He said council should wait to confirm the position when Carter could move forward with a clean slate.

Slane was in agreement with Ott asking why council would make a decision if there was no need to. Both Ott and Slane said that Carter is doing well in his position.

Alderman Harry Meyer and Greene took exception with Greene saying that Carter was being “unduly vilified” because of the lawsuit.

Meyer said that if aldermen thought Carter was doing a good job, then there was no reason not to confirm him. He told council that it would be an insult to the CAPC to not vote and that council cannot micromanage the CAPC.

McClung brought the topic to a close by bringing the motion back to question and vote. Carter was renewed to Pos. 1 of the CAPC with Ott abstaining, McClung and Slane voting No, and Greene, Meyer, Smole, and Berry giving the final Yes.

July 29, 2021: The original article mistakenly stated that “but the motion failed 4-3 with Berry voting a tie-breaking ‘No,’ and a heated debate began.” Mayor Butch Berry only noted the vote failed 3-3 and the article has been changed to reflect that.