Council gets acquainted: makes, debates, and delays policies


Monday night was the first regular council meeting for new aldermen Harry Meyer of Ward 3 Position 2, and Susan Harman of Ward 1 Position 2, and much of the two-hour meeting was procedural.

Phil Jackson, executive director of the Carroll County Solid Waste Authority, referred to a letter provided to Mayor Butch Berry dated Nov. 9, 2018 indicating a rate increase in very specific terms. Jackson described the agreement with the city to transfer recyclable material and solid waste within the city is allowed an increase that reflects an annual change in the Consumer Price Index. CCSWA has not requested a rate increase since 2008.

In July 2018, Waste Management increased the landfill disposal fee, and coupled with rising fuel, insurance, personnel and maintenance costs, it is necessary to increase rates by 3.5 percent. Jackson asked for approval from council for this cost implementation, but the agenda item, simply saying, “Carroll County Solid Waste” was written in such vague terms that there was no indication of a vote for a rate increase.

Alderman Bob Thomas maintained that because the rate increase was not on the agenda, an agenda item at the next meeting would be the most appropriate time to vote on this.


Berry indicated that there are two, and possibly three, vacancies on the Planning Commission that need to be filled. Additionally the City Advertising and Promotion Commission has four vacancies, two of which needed to be filled by aldermen. Terry McClung and Susan Harman nominated each other to fill the two positions, and those motions passed.

  • Council did schedule the 2019 meeting dates after a long debate in which alderman Mickey Schneider was adamant about observing national holidays, while other aldermen wanted to leave it for a future date whether to cancel or reschedule.      
  • Bob Thomas was unanimously voted as Mayor Pro Tempore for 2019 in any event that Berry could not be present.
  • Procedural rules were discussed and Thomas recommended the use of the Pocket Guide to Parliamentary Procedures by the University of Arkansas, in conjunction with Robert’s Rules of Order as the parliamentary authority for conducting all council meetings. That was unanimously approved.
  • Alderman Terry McClung suggested reducing Planning commissioners from seven to five because, “it’s so hard to keep members on the commission.” An ordinance from the 1980s states there shall be seven members, with four for the quorum, so if commissioners are reduced to five, it would only take three for a quorum. Thomas stated dissatisfaction with the reduction, claiming, “The citizens deserve broader representation.” The item was tabled until March.
  • Victor Smith, owner of Catered Creations spoke regarding the food truck lottery, saying he has been abiding by the lottery but would like to see some amendments. “Private businesses should be able to operate a second business on their own property, and I would like to see the Highway 62 lottery reassessed of locations.” He said he found his business to be profitable as long as more competition does not enter the lottery for his location. Alderman Melissa Greene voiced concern for business owners who put time and money into a business, and then lose a lottery.
  • The amendment of Ordinance 2274 was approved regarding collection of expenditures for cleanup and repair of properties found to be in violation of City Code Section 5.04.04. Harman abstained due to being newly elected and not being involved with earlier discussions. This ordinance allows the City to recoup expenses incurred as a result of a cleanup or repair of properties.
  • Next meeting is Jan. 28 at 6, preceded by a budget confab at 5:15.  

Note: The ADA hearing impaired system did not operate correctly at the meeting – alderman Bob Thomas made several requests during the meeting for it to be looked at, but the hearing quality was not improved. He said he expects that to be remedied by the next meeting not only for the council but for any citizens in need. As mentioned, in the budget workshop, council has no I.T. people to help with the electronics.