Code revisions getting revised


City Economic Development Coordinator Glenna Booth began Planning’s Code discussion last Tuesday by recommending commissioners clarify that the terms “vacation rental” and “tourist lodging” mean the same thing.

Chair Melissa Greene asked commissioners they were ready to present city council with recommended revisions to City Code, to which commissioner Woodie Acord commented, “We’ve worked on it long enough.” Booth suggested Greene present the revisions, but set up a joint workshop after aldermen have had time to read them.

One incomplete discussion revolved around wedding receptions and small events, and commissioner Susan Harman commented they first need an appropriate name for what they are trying to define, whether it be a small event, social gathering, or whatever.

Booth mentioned she found Code to be confusing on wedding receptions and wedding establishments, and Harman said she had to get a Conditional Use Permit for her B&B and another for being a wedding establishment. Commissioner Doug Breitling stated he got only one CUP to cover both.

Harman said it appeared there were a variety of ways the city handles this, stating they need to better distinguish between kinds of special events and look at what various permits require and allow. Commissioners agreed they did not want a cumbersome process for having an event in a residential zone, but wanted to be clear on what is expected for someone staging an event and what fines would be for noncompliance.

Acord observed that most events involve those from out of town attending a wedding reception or special event. He pointed out, however, after a funeral service, it is typical for folks to gather at someone’s home, and there could be a large crowd. He asked if the commission was setting it up so that would require a permit.

Breitling responded the commission could write in a list of exceptions to proposals. Greene added she did not anticipate neighbors would be up in arms if family and friends gathered at someone’s house after a funeral, and that they are trying to tighten up vague areas in Code because of the few instances where citizens skirted the law.


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