Feelings on respect
I am a member/Sgt. at Arms of the Walker-Wilson American Legion Post #9 of Eureka Springs. On Saturday, June 16, we re-dedicated the American...
Family thoughts
Big ballyhoo lately about family separation.
Imperative that your offspring are cared for and not just in childhood, but eternally.
My dad was separated at 15...
Graves for sale
Memorial weekend was alive and well at the ES Cemetery. Cookies and lemonade served with flags flying everywhere. Turnout is estimated at 500-600 people....
Miss Wilma could live with you
It is not often that one looks forward to a trip to the bank, but Miss Wilma, my Good Shepherd foster dog, and I...
The Trail of Fears
Power really doesn’t belong to those who struggle. It belongs to those whose goal is to see to it that others struggle, to keep...
The Promise of the forests
Let’s take our hearts for a walk in the woods and listen to the magical whisper of old trees. – Anonymous
Forests are magical places...
Good choice for CEO
I have received word that Vicki Andert has been named the new CEO of the Eureka Springs Hospital. She has worked hard for several...
It’s a mad, mad, mad world
“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it...
Healthy soils for better climate
“The poor and the earth are crying out. O Lord, seize us with your power and light, help us to protect all life, to...
Cut’em to read
NUTS stands for Never Understand The Stupidity.
June’s award goes to anyone who lets the Auditorium marquee sign to be unreadable because of the two...