Death penalty another form of murder

Editor, According to the Council of State Governments Justice Center, Arkansas leads the nation in prison population growth Most women in Arkansas prisons are...

Don’t consume too quickly

An Entertainment District is a fantastic way for our town to have a new draw. For visitors and locals to be able to grab...

Independent Guestatorial: Who’ll stop the rain?

“Long as I remember the rain been comin’ down Clouds of myst’ry pourin’ confusion on the ground. Good men through the ages tryin’ to find the...

Destroying people 101

Editor, We are having the warmest winter in Arkansas that I can ever remember, and yet, Donald Trump has nominated Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier...


See no Ethics



Many thanks to our farmers

Editor,           Thanksgiving is our favorite holiday. But this year it was made even more special by winning the drawing for the “basket” of goodies from...

Independent Guestatorial: Teachers still exempt from overtime pay

It is an early Christmas present from President Obama. For years, many white collar American workers have been forced to work long hours without...

What’s next?

Editor, Paul Ryan is pleased as punch that he finally got to destroy Medicaid. This has been his goal ever since he turned 18 and...

Rely on experts

Editor, Water and sewer rates continue to baffle the city council.  The most recent proposal is still irrational and inequitable. How did the council decide these...